Part Five

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After that horrible day, Constance was ready for a new start. She got that feeling in her heart of inspiration.

She decided her plans of productivity would commence today and would not fail!

School was easy, yet again. Except for math. Math is stupid.

She read for two hours. She finished Matched by Ally Condie, and she started and finished The Invention of Hugo Cabret.

It was lunch time so she went and made a samwitch one of those sandwiches that make your mouth go, Your an amazing cook!

She ate some chips which she immediately regretted. “Why do I do this to myself?” She mumbled to herself pinching her belly fat.

She put away her school things and walked upstairs.

Constance went into her room and started undressing.

She looked in the mirror and frowned. “Why cant I do this? Just be skinny.” Constance thought.

She looked on her desk. There where her scissors.

Constance had never Cut before but was curious. She did not want to try unless she had a reason.

She thought she had a reason.

She grabbed the pink soft handled scissors and gently slid it against her hand to see if anything would happen. When nothing did she pushed harder.

Red thick blood came pouring out in droplets onto her beige carpet. She wanted to scream at what she had done, but knowing that her mom and dad where in the other room stopped her. She had no idea what to do next. She went back downstairs being careful to avoid her parents, and got a neon green band-aid out of the first aid kit, she tried to keep reading but focus was impossible. She just sat there, not knowing if she was happy or sad.

She decided she was happy. 

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