Ingo x F/Reader x Emmet

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(A/N: so um... a certain videogame has rekindled my old crush on the Subway twins. So instead of going to bed, I've taken the liberty to express my thirst in a plain simple oneshot. Reader-chan is female and she's 18+. The setting is Pasio. The story is sfw ofc and um... plain and simple. Enjoy...? And God bless! ...Notice me Ingo or Emmet Senpaiiiiii TwT

 in case your wondering, there is evidence ingame that Ingo is cheery and Emmet is chill, check them out on tv-tropes and you'll understand why I wrote them the way that I did... Also I used their quotes from Masters bc I have little faith in myself to write them properly. I did also write quotes for them... sorry if it sucks. oki now to story)

So you have been a fan of the Subway Bosses for sometime (as a matter of fact, you had a crush on both), but you knew that they were super popular AND strong trainers. So there was no way in heck that they'd notice an average strength trainer like yourself. In your free time, they would constantly be with you in your dreams... You'd be held gently and warmly by the gentleman Ingo, or you'd be peppered in kisses from the adorable little Emmet. You heaved a dreamy sigh as these visions currently danced in your head. However, you were brought back to planet earth after feeling the firm, but gentle nip of your Pokemon partner.

"Aaaah?!" You responded in surprise. The nip didn't hurt, but it was uncomfortable enough to get your attention. "Hey, what was that for?!"

 Your Pokemon responded as if it was saying it just wanted you to come back to reality... that and it was kinda eager for a battle.

 "I see..." You chuckled "Well, why don't we see if we can scout a few Sync Pairs before we go and battle eh (Pokemon)?"

Your Pokemon responded with a delightful smile.You then made it over to the counter where a blue haired woman known as Tricia greeted you.

"Welcome (name)! What can I get for you today?"

 "I'd like to scout a few sync pairs!"

"Alright ma'am!"

you then proceeded to hand Tricia the amount of gems it would take to scout 10 sync pairs.First three sync pairs were really just powerups for folks that you have already scouted. Then you got to meet Jasmine, who proved to be a wonderful friend... eventually you were down to your final two scouts... To your surprise you thought you were seeing double?! ...Nonononono it couldn't be them?! Was your simp-vision keeping you from seeing who the two final trainers you had scouted were?!

"I am the Subway Boss Ingo! Pleasure to meet you. Now then, all aboard!"

"I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss. Follow the rules. Safe driving!""Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh...." You couldn't think of anything to say.

"...H-hi?!"This couldn't be happening... the two men of your very dreams were literally in front of you... in the flesh! How could you have gotten THIS lucky?! They rarely responded to scouting requests?!Unbeknownst to you, both brothers were silently attracted to you. For some reason... They thought that you were an awfully cute young woman. Of course, they weren't going to go after you like a fresh piece of meat, they had just met you! And... they were gentlemen.

"Young lady, are you ok? Is there something I or my brother could do to help you?" Ingo asked you, concerned for your well being.

"Yeah... Are you feeling ok? Do you need a glass of water?" Emmet added.Before you could respond, you literally swoon-fainted. Ingo caught you in his arms while Emmet observed you curiously.

"Ingo, she's awful red. I think she's sick."

"You're probably right Emmet, let's go find this young lady a place to rest. Hopefully, we'll be able to share a proper greeting when she's recovered."

So both brothers entrusted you with a Pokemon Center employee who found you a warm bed to sleep the infatuation attack off. When you woke up from all of this, you brushed it off as a dream... Until you were informed that both brothers escorted you to an employee to escort you to bed because you apparently was feeling sick. (Which you were... it was just, lovesickness you simpy simp you!)You were oblivious to the small infatuation that the Subway Bosses were beginning to harbor for you and the twin brothers were completely oblivious to your intense crush on the both of them.

How would your friendship with these twins grow? Who will you end up dating? Is it going to be cheery and polite Ingo? Or calm and chill Emmet? Or neither of them? (or are you going to be the ultra simp and try to convince them to share you lol?) It's your choice dear reader! ...Hope you enjoyed it lol.

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