Journal Entry #4

63 3 71

⚠️TW: Swearing ⚠️

Another boring day, nothing for me to do. Well, I guess there's a few things, but I don't have much interest in doing any of them.

My feelings are as scrambled as ever, all over the place but still connecting somehow. I really need to stop reminiscing on the past. I just miss it, I guess. I mean, who wouldn't?

Prison makes you miss things you never thought you'd miss. It makes everything that you once used to take for granted, feel like some kind of heavenly realm. A realm that's so far, yet so close all at the same time.

I long for the feeling of the Autumn breeze and the energetic laughs from a certain brunet friend, George.

Speaking of George, he hasn't once come to visit me. I can't blame him, not after everything I did. But, even Sapnap visited when he hates everything that I did. George hasn't come yet. He wouldn't give up on me like that, would he? He couldn't have, he can't.

That's all in the past now, it's time to focus on the present. Nothing I do helps with the constant gnawing of my distant memories. But, like always, I have to push all that away and continue moving on.

Sam's as insufferable as ever. He's practically useless when it comes to getting intel out of him. He won't even tell me the damn date, for god's sake! So, to say that I'm annoyed would be an extreme understatement.

Don't even get me started on Quackity and his worthless torturing sessions. I'm not going to give him shit! Wether he asks nicely or not, I will never give someone with the likes of him the Revive Book. He may as well give up. But, alas, he's as stubborn as always.

Maybe I should make another drawing to help with these emotions. Or I could get creative and think of something else. But what else is there? Oh! I know, a poem!

(ÒuÓ) <——me right now

How do you even make poems though? There's so many different kinds, like list poems, haiku, free verse, and so much more. Where do I even start? Expressing my feelings like this has never been my strong suit, but I guess it doesn't have too as long as it helps calm me down.

I could just try a few different ways. I have time anyways, it's not like I have somewhere to be. Which should I start with? List poems are kinda basic and easy to make. But I want something more challenging, something to help pass the time, yet still help get my feelings out.

Haikus are pretty hard. Syllables suck. They're complicated no matter what people say. But I will try my best, after all I am the famous Dream.

So let's get to drafting it out then. . . .

The brain-racking process of poem making:

So since haikus follow the simple 5-7-5 syllable structure, I'll have to shorten things a lot. I've always thought haikus sound a little weird, but it might be because grammar or complete sentences don't really apply to poetry. I guess that's the fun bit, none fo the normal writing rules really apply to poetry at all.

First up, 5 syllables. I want to make the first line about Sam. But what should I say that fits within the 5 syllable radius? Sam is a. . . . A what? What has two syllables and matches up with Sam's horribly plain personality? Or how he is always so annoying? Or his ugly green hair? Or— ok, I'm getting off track.

Sam is a. . . .

Ok, so, let me explain. It was the only thing I could think of, and it matches up almost perfectly. A bit of a understatement but that's all good.

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