My Reason For The Lack Of Updates

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        Hey. It's been like 2 months since I've updated but I really don't feel like continuing this fanfic anymore. I have absolutely no motivation and no time due to school. I might be able to come back and continue the series but I'm incredibly low on ideas and motivation. Recently, school has been getting really pressuring for me ever since second trimester and I need to work extra hard. I want to be better in my grades so I can finally get at least half the attention my brother gets (lmao). Im currently very stressed. I haven't gotten near getting over this Reagan phase and I still absolutely love her (even think abt her next to me when I'm sad lmao)  so I'm not getting out of this phase anytime soon but I'm pretty much too tired and too lazy to write abt her.  And yes, I still think this series is pretty cringe but I'm incredibly thankful for all the attention and support I got on this considering this is the first fanfic I ever wrote. I'll still be around to edit parts of old chapters and possibly write short ones. I hope you understand and can forgive me and I'm very sorry if I disappointed anybody.

P.S: Yes I did mention I MIGHT come back to this. Please don't give your hopes up but also don't keep them too high. Also I had updated The Carnival chapter and added 2 other endings.

(Please leave me fanfic ideas below so one day I can possibly right them)

oh and hey check out this funny meme I found. (I DIDNT MAKE THIS)


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