Historical context

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The French protectorate in Morocco is the guardianship regime exercised by France in the Chérifien Empire. It was part of French North Africa, with French Algeria and the protectorate of Tunisia, and more broadly of the French Colonial Empire. The installation of the French in Algeria provokes a wave of and a desire for withdrawal in Morocco.In 1860, the Spanish victories and the large consecutive war compensation weakened Morocco, whose sultan (the king) actually controlled only a third of the territory. In 1904, Spain, France and the United Kingdom agreed to share the kingdom. The spectacular intervention of Germany (in March 1905, the visit of the emperor to Tangier where he guarantees the independence of Morocco) resulted in the Algeciras Agreements (1906) which placed Morocco under international control. In 1907, in response to various incidents, France occupied Casablanca and Oujda. The Franco-German Convention of February 1909, while maintaining the unity of the kingdom, organized an economic sharing. After the serious Franco-German military incident of, the new Franco-German convention of November 1911, let France control Morocco, which ended in 1912. At the same time Spain receives the and the area of Ifni to the south.

It all began in 1932, when Fatima gave birth to Nouh Nadir, her first child. A very beautiful baby with blue eyes like the Mediterranean sea and light brown hair. A charm coming from her mother.  Fatima, her husband and son decide to settle in Doukkala, more precisely in a farming season. They are going to make a living from these crops.

5 years later, Nouh has a little sister named Meriem. The Nadir family is very happy. They have wheat and vegetables like carrots and radishes. Fatima takes care of her children while Abdelkarim works in agriculture.Nouh is now 10 years old and is already independent. He helps his father and sells with him.What a beautiful life! What happiness!

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