Chapter 7 Tempting Rampage

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"Y-yes sir!" Izuku shouted as he followed his teacher, now that he got at least a feel of this power, he was ready to work even harder, his body shaking with a rare trepidation to test his new quirk.

The boy looked down as he raised a bit his hands and glanced at them, OFA black lightning bolts passing around them. Their color was strange, it reminded him of that black star he saw in his dream/nightmare, he was still trying to understand what it meant, he was kinda sure that it was related to OFA, the color of his lighting bolts confirmed that. But, it was still a mystery, a creepy one considering that he got impaled and almost attacked by those scary tendrils.

He shook his head as he sighed, blinked a few times and glanced at his hands again, opening and closing them a few times, feeling OFA energy flow in the muscles of his fingers. Even with this little power, he needed a lot of focus to keep it barely active and stable, it was like his body was being engulfed by a very heavy armor that he had to carry, his body sometimes felt heavier as the power flickered from one intensity to another as soon as Izuku's focus faltered even for a second, making him flinch a little and stiffen his muscles to keep the pain at bay. He knew that the quirk was going to deactivate at the first distraction, so he kept the feeling going to hopefully adapt to it.

He looked ahead as he lowered his hands and blinked a couple of times, his slightly glowing irises staring into space as he goes deeper into his thoughts, his body following All Might like it was on autopilot.

He still couldn't believe it.....he have a quirk now, the feeling of something new in his body was something that was keeping him shaking in excitement. And, the feeling of his quirk factor pumping energy in his entire body sent a feeling similar to adrenaline in his system, he was ready to overcome anything, he will fight to be the hero he always wanted to be.

The boy raised his gaze as he looked at the hero's back, even in his thin form, All Might still gave a aura of heroism and hidden overwhelming power. The boy's eyes gained a more bright color, imaginary stars in his irises as he resisted the urge to pump his fists excited at the thought of training with the quirk.

He took a deep breath as he composed himself, well....if his usual mannerisms can be considered being composed.

He looked at the side, his eyes a bit more squinted as he glanced at UA main building. He still couldn't believe that he was here. But, he is not a student yet, He have still have the entrance exam to pass if he want to study here. And he will do his best, no....... beyond his best.

"This is just the beginning........all the training I did was to only receive this quirk........ there's so much that I still need to do......." Izuku thought as he raised his right hand and looked at it, he could feel still bit of pain for what happened before. But, his growing determination to prove himself worthy of this quirk dulled any sensation of inadequacy or physical pain.

He closed it into a fist once again, the black lightning bolts flickered for a moment, feeling their new master internal turmoil.

"The real challenge start now. After all, Everyone else had their quirks for almost all their lives....compared to them, I am beneath a novice. If I want to compete, I need to work harder that everyone to catch up.....this is the condition of being number one hero, i want to be up to the task, they were wrong about me......i can be useful to others...." Izuku thought more determined but still insecure at the end. But then his eyes glowed more, a slight red glint appeared together with his usual green color, his fist clenched more as he remembered everyone who said he couldn't be a hero, that his dream was pathetic and impossible......he could feel a bit of that burning anger retuning to the surface, his emotions getting unstable, but he bit his tongue to not make his internal turmoil be know by All Might, the last thing the hero need is to be bothered by this poor excuse of a successor that Izuku think himself to be.

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