Chapter 2

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An ever so slight silhouette caught David's eye. It was shaped almost like a bear standing on its hind legs for an unnaturally long time. It was about as tall as one too. David estimated that it was perhaps around ten feet tall, maybe even eleven.

"Shit, There's a polar bear" David said

David pointed towards the mysterious figure stalking them and explained that a polar bear must have found a way inside the base. Fear creeped on David because he remembered that polar bears don't live in antarctica. Or at least they've never been documented to have lived there. So what was that? The way he saw it, he either discovered something amazing or something horrible. Both of them worried at this point, Carmen and David hopped into the snowcat and drove back.

"It can't be possibly be a polar bear, they don't live around here " Carmen said

"I mean it's possible it's a new species or some cruel prank from Chilean territory but we're not anywhere near their border so it can't be that either" David argued

"Besides, they shouldn't have even been allowed to cross into our territory let alone for some joke."

There was utter silence in the snowcat until they both saw something that scared them to their core. The fence surrounding the mile long diameter of their base had around 5 meters of fence torn out. wherever they had just been, it wasn't where they should've been.

"We're heading back aren't we? Why the hell are we behind the fence!?" Carmen exclaimed

"Did we go further than a mile?"

"Didn't you use the Computer navigation" Carmen asked?

"Well no. The blizzard that damaged the base before we came here caused signal isolation in the navigation so I played it by eye and just drove the way I remembered it. Then I made that detour to go around the thin ice. I chose to drive straight back this time though. I don't have any idea how the hell that hole is there."

"I suppose maybe the blizzard tore that hole" He added

"David, I don't think that's how blizzards work"

"I'm just thinking out loud. I mean it's not a huge deal. We can just work on rebuilding it soon"

"Yeah, spose"

They continued driving until they made it back to the base. They parked the snowcat, went back inside and Carmen logged her findings into the base computer. They didn't mention that they went past the gate and only that they found a hole in the fence. Had they said that they went further than one mile, it could cost them their job. As I said earlier, one of the most important rules was that they didn't go more than a mile outside the base. It was oddly enforced and was a really strict rule. But they weren't even told why.

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