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She was lonely, and that was the truth. This morning, she was awoken by the sound of birds chirping oh-so-softly. Then, she had changed into a gown, a delicate, beautiful gown.

It had intricate, woven patterns of the sea upon water, and if you looked close enough, you could see those tiny specks of glimmer, like drops of the sun. She, however, had never been to the Ocean.

Curling her legs up on her bed, she formed a smooth plait between her fingers. How-lovely it would be to step onto the water! Oh, she would graze her fingertips along the... what was it? Sand! The smooth, coarse sand, letting it slowly glide onto her skin. And dip her toes in fresh seawater, allowing her body to bask in the proud sun's glow. 

Never would she be alone again-ever. There would be plenty of friends to play with under the sea.

It was that day, when the Ocean burst to life, washing everything clear from view

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It was that day, when the Ocean burst to life, washing everything clear from view. Almost as if a lively, singsong voice filled the air, making everything come together. A soft, beautiful noise, making everything around vanish. So lovely and delicate; a true taste of freedom.

A vision opened up inside her head, and she pictured herself humming a soft tune to perfection. There was- who was that? Woman... a charming woman's face turned towards her, smiling a soft, gentle smile. 

Soft blue eyes, skin as smooth as cream, she could almost smell her prescense. Aware, she leaned into her arms. A lullaby. It rang soft and sound, smooth as water. Oh, she could stay here forever, just listening to the sweet tune. Echoing around and around, the sound weaved in and out along with the occasional crashing of waves from the sea. Closing her eyes, embracing the warmth of the moment...

'GET UP!!!' a screeching yell interrupted her daydreams. An immaculate teenager stood in front of her, fuming. Her beauty obviously outstood her temper, black raven hair as smooth as spun silk, light olive skin, lashes that glistened with the winter snow from outdoors.

'It's time to make the Highness's breakfast,' she growled, ripping open her bedsheets. 'YOU! GET OUT OF BED!!!'  Shivering, coldness crept into her skin like wolve's claws. Didn't she make the Highness's breakfast every single day? Sighing inwardly, she scrambled out of her warm cocoon, slipped on a pair of tattered slippers, and dashed to the kitchen.

What should she make today? The Highness had a particular fondness for crispy, golden crepes with whipped cream and fresh fruit on the side. Maybe she should scramble eggs instead of servng the cream? Or make a savory sasauge and baked beans, served with fresh orange juice made straight on the spot? Never mind, she would never- nope. Don't even think about it. The word formed midway in her head, but she pushed the very tip of the thought away. She would do whatever she could to please her Highness. Whatever she wanted, she would provide. Wasn't that her one and only job, after all?

Reaching for a pan, she carefully creacked open an egg, and after scrambling it, topped it with fresh picked basil, Indian herbs, and mozerella. Add tomatoes and fold it, finishing the omlet. Then, pulled out last night's dough to bake a quick batch of cookies. Lemonade on the side, just a dallop of chocolate on each cookie. 

Perfect! Absolutely perfect! Today she would surely be impressed. No doubt. Pulling out a delicate china platter, she carefully placed the omlet, cookies, and tall lemonade glass on top, and scuffled to the elevator. 

Her Highness's room was located on the 50th floor, while the kitchen and dorms was on the 31st. As she punched the button and waited, a petite girl with fiery red hair and freckles ran towards her. 

'Hold it for me!' she panted, running in right on cue. The elevator door closed, and she could see the girl was holding a bundle of neatly folded sheets. This was the only time they could speak to eachother: and not much, because there were security cameras. 'Blanket duty?' she asked, trying to sound emotionless. 'The Highness adores soft sheets,' the auburn girl whispered softly. 'I especially folded them in her favourite order. Did you know she grew out of waffles, and has developed quite the liking for crepes and cookies? I see you have met her orders,' nodding towards her plate, she bit back a grin. 

'Yes, I've noticed her fondness for crepes...just a few days ago, she ate down all of my breakfast that I made!'  'Well, I'm sure glad she's getting better. I'll be sure to meet her desires.' The soft ding of the elevator rang through the air, and her only friend stepped out. Or, at least, her companion. 'No one is to have friends,' the Highenss's voice rang high and clear in her brain. 'Goodbye,' she whispered, as the redhead skipped blissfully to her chambers. A bitter sting ran through her gut. The only topic everyone talked about was always the Highness. How she was feeling, her desires for today, that sort of thing. Never once had they mentioned about going outside to see the Ocean. 

Up, up, up went the elevator, just like every single day; arriving on the dining hall floor. This was where her Highness preffered to have her meals served regularly, but with different decorations according to her mood. Today, she could clearly see it was a vibrant modern style. Yes, she certainly did like modern, and thank godness the china plate she chose was as sleek and fasionable as these empty glass chairs over there. On she went, searching for the Highness's table.

Her eyes landed on the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Diamonds glistened like raindrops, and her overly imaginative mind immedietely jumped to water. What if she learnt how to swim? Could she dive right in the ocean and see fish? Not the ones her Highness ate for her meals, she shuddered at the thought of feasting on meat. Living creatures didn't deserve to die because of the gluttony of humans, for sure. 

Lost in her daydreams, she didn't notice where she was going. And slipped on a utensil. 

Her first instinct was to brace herself for the fall. 

Everything happened in slow motion. First, the china crashed to the floor. Then came the Highness's breakfast. If anyone was screaming, she couldn't hear it. She could only feel the horror of what her fate was to become of. 

Someone dragged her out of the dining hall, and a door slammed. All went pitch black.

Under the SeaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang