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(wrong grammars and mistakes ahead!)

"then I'll be your bitch instead!!~♡︎"


"eh!? wha-what do you mean no?!"

"I mean no, you wanna hear it in Spanish? ¡No!" you said blankly with a deadpan look, crossing your arms aswell...i mean sure you love/like him and wanna be-friends him, but atleast he gotta say it normally....then you walk away. and also, you just don't wanna see kisaki.

"hey wait!" he tried to reach for you but you keept walking..fast walk-

"yeahhh...no thanks kid, cya takemichi." you wave your hand as your back is facing the three.

"bye, aniki! have a safe walk!" takemichi yelled as he waves his hand up and down very fast....

and mikey was now crying...on his knees,face buried in his arms..

and then he stood up that made the two flinch.

mikey turned around and held takemichi's shoulders and then shakes him back and forth very aggressively.

"Takemitchy! go get your brother!"he cried

" i-I-m s-Ss-Oor-ry" he said, finding is difficult to speak cuz he is being shake by mikey, and that's when mikey stop and look at him in the eyes.

"what do you mean sorry!?"

"if he doesn't wanna come, then don't force him...there's nothing and i mean absolutely nothing we could do..."
(that's because I don't know him to well yet on how to pull his strings..)


"no, mikey."



( why am I here again? more importantly, HOW did I end up here...)

apparently you're sitting on a sofa at the person's house all tied up, with three people staring at you.

an envelope placed on the table that hasn't been open since it arrived.

and you were glaring daggers at them and at the paper.

you're pissed off right now because one. he tackled you to the ground. and two, he just shaved a strawberry flavour lollipop into your mouth while you kept asking stuff...and you also most choke on it, luckily his friend was there.

(flashbacks and no ones pov)

you were walking on the sidewalk while putting your earphones on and went to Spotify and searched hell's comin' with me of the songs you like to listen to while walking.

and continue reading the manga..your at the latest chapter of it...

you went inside a near by convenience store to buy something that you would like. looking through the place, going from left to right.

you grabbed a low fat chocolate milk, a cheesecake and went to the cashier to pay for it. After that you got out of there

and sit on a swing in the playground which was just beside the store.

you exited the app of were you were reading it because you were done. yeah.. you're a fast reader.

you closed your eyes and just listen to the music. humming to same words that you catch up on or understood.

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