*"*~NEW FRIENDS?~*"*
(⚠️wrong grammars ahead ⚠️)
the (h/c) boy gasp for air as his eyes shut wide open and he seat up straight and the other hand of his reached out, like reaching for something, and at sametime he yelled "je ne veux pas encore mourir!!"
(🇨🇵 translation: I don't want to die yet!!)
he blinked many times and realized something,
"hein?... je suis vivant?.... JE SUIS VIVANT !! DIEU MERCI, C'ÉTAIT JUSTE UN MAUVAIS RÊVE !!" m/n said happily that he thought it was just a crazy ass dream, as he jumped out of the bed
(🇨🇵 translation: eh?...im alive?....IM ALIVE!! THANK GOODNESS IT WAS JUST A BAD DREAM!!)
which made him smile brightly then ever, and then he shuts his mouth...
silence filled the room. he looked around and noticed that the room his in isn't familiar.....he look to the left, there he saw his school bag and his.... sweatshirt and school uniform? on the table, he tilts his head to the side looking confused, but then....he just brushed it off, as he stretch his limbs and made his way to his bag, and he got there, he was about to put his uniform sweatshirt back on, as he reach the table, but stop when suddenly he heard a sound
he turned his head as he heard the door opened. there he saw a boy with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes that was wide and mouth gasp open arms are warped with bandages as he turned pale once again
m/n looked at the back of the statue white boy who won't move, and then he saw more people.... well more like 4 people to be exact
"euh...salut?" m/n said...well more asked
(🇨🇵translation: uhmm...hi?)"huh!?" the boys shout in shock and confusion, well minus the boy who's arm were warped around with bandages
m/n looked at the 5 teenagers infront of him, confused and shock, cuz he still didn't recogniz them, cuz his vision was blurry right now
"Non?.. que diriez-vous.. hmmmm, oh je sais!"
(🇨🇵translation: No?.. what about.. hmmmm, oh I know!)"¿Qué tal español ya?"
(🇪🇸 translation: how about Spanish ya?)he smiled at the 5 boy, and they swear that they felt their heart made a back-flip and blushed in the shade of pink, minus the boy with bandages on his arms
but then they brushed it off when he changed language just now, they looked at him in desbelieve, one sentence came through their minds
"oi! takemichi who is he!? why is a cute/hot tall! foreign guy is in your room!?" a guy said, with orange eye glasses with chestnut hair color and his hair was in a mid-length chestnut hair style with the bangs in the middle tied up
'so their Japanese' he said to himself
he was now more confused as hell, did he hear the word right?....why did the short one said 'takemichi?' and he looks familiar too.
"is he your friend?" a guy said, with dark slicked hair that ends in a mullet
he was then reawaken from his 'though' or in other words, coming back from your senses, as he heard something, he then saw the boy with glasses shaking the other poor boy back and forth.
"not to mention....half naked too..." a boy said with a shoulder length hair with noticeable long beautiful lower eyelashes and prominent eyelids looking away, with a hint of pink on his cheeks, nose and ears...

Fanfictokyorevengers X M!reader DISCONTINUED don't wanna spoil you...so just read it for you to know k?.......plus wala ako idea ano ang ilagay ko....so yan nalang-_- and i suggest you to read this book/fanfic in cream mode....trust me so that your eyes...