Chapter 2: I'll be alright

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Hello my lovelies! Here's Chapter 2! And i've made a cover, but i'm still trying to figure out everything XD and I have Annabell's outfit in Chapter 1 on my phone, but i cant find it again :( But anyways I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!! -Katniss <3 Dedicated to @GwenJohnson5 for being my first follower!

Annabell POV

As we are heading out, Louis holds the door for me. "Well, I never really got to introduce myself. I'm Louis" I laugh. "Well it was pretty choatic. I'm Annabell" "Well, Annabell, I'm by myself, so would you like to be my road buddie?" I have to smile. "Sure!" I run to tell Harry, and Niall looks upset. Harry pats him on the shoulder and whispers something to him, and he smiles.

Louis POV

Annabell comes back a few minutes later. "All set!" she says, climbing into the passanger seat of my car. "Let us go then!" I say. I turn on the radio, which is playing Kiss You, and we both decide to roll the windows down and sing out of tune as loud as we can. We get many stares from passing cars, either because of that or because Louis Tomlinson has a girl in his car the paparazzi has never seen before Just as the song is ending, my phone rings. It's Elenor. "I'm sorry, Annabell,I've gotta take this." She just nods and stares out the window. "Hello? What is it? Oh, ok. No, i'll be alright. Bye."

Annabell POV

Louis hangs up his phone and throws it against the dashbord of the car. He pulls over and that's when he loses it. He leans his head against the steering wheel and begins to cry. "Louis?" I ask nervously. "What's wrong?" He looks up, unfallen tears shining in his bright blue eyes. "Eleanor, you know my girlfriend? She broke up with me.". He sniffs. I know he really loved Eleanor, and I can't imagine how upset he is. "I'm so sorry.". He doesn't answer. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. He smells like mint and light cinnomon colonge, and his embrace is warm. "I'd better go call Harry." I say, even though I really don't want to leave poor Louis. I open my door and walk inside the rest center. I have to pee, plus I thought i'd get a little something for Louis at the gift shop. I pee first, then I go to the loung to call Harry. I try not to say his name, because I dont want 50 million girls asking me for his number.


"Dude, it's Annabell!"

"Hi there, Annie-wannie! where are you?"

"Lou got dumped!"

"Why are you talking so wierd?"


I hear another British accent in the background say "OOOOOOH! The full name!". I look up, and everyone in the lounge is staring at me. I cover the speaker. "Nothing to see here, people!". i uncover the speaker. "Anyways, I'm at a rest stop, and i'll explain why when we get back. Love you." I say before hanging up. I get up from my chair and walk to the gift shop. I get a teddy bear, some chocolate, and a classical piano tunes CD out of a section labeled "Long Car Trips". When I reach the car, I see Louis hunched over on his phone. He sees me and opens the other door. "Hey you!" he says, seeming excited to see me. Hey, I got you a present!" i hand him the bag. "AW THANK YOU ANNIE BELL!! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TOO!!!" he says. "Yes, I did. Now, let's go. Harry is getting irriatable." Louis laughs and puts in the CD. It plays out the rest of the way home.

Louis POV

After about 20 minutes, we reach the hotel. I'm more than happy, because i just want to be alone for a bit. Except Annabell. She gives great company. She offers to help with my bags, and I don't object. As soon as we enter the hotel, all the boys pile on me and make noises that sound like constipated animals. " HAROLD EDWARD, GET THESE BOYS OFF LOUIS RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!!!" Annabell yells."Yes, mother." mutters Harry. "Ooooh, the midddle name!" whispers Zayn. "Eleanor broke up with Louis on the way here. That's why we stopped. All the boys faces immeadiatly fall. "We're sorry Louis" Liam says queitly. "Could I please just have some time alone? Annabell can come visit if she'd like." Annabell smiles. "I'll be up in a bit." Maybe she likes me, too, I think to myself as I ride up the elevator.

Annabell POV

I think I had a crush on Louis. Not a full on crush, but a little baby crush. I didn't know yet. I turn from watching Louis go up the elevator, and Niall plops down beside me. He begins to briad my hair. After he's done with it, he shows it to me. It's a fishtail that alternates with a normal briad. "It's lovely, Niall!". He beams. Harry grins that little grin that he does when he's up to something. "Boys," he begins. "How would you like it if Annabell stayed in a hotel room on our hall?" Niall begins to hop up and down. "YES! YES! OH PLEASE HARRY?" 'It's up to Annabell." .  Niall looks at me. "Pretty, pretty pweese with Nando's on top?" I ruffle his hair. "Of course! I'm going to visit Louis and after i might make you a snack." I tell him. He hugs me. "Thank you!!!"

I knock on Louis' door. "Go away, Harry!" he yells. "It's Annabell!" "Ok, come in then!" I slowly open the door. He's lying in bed wearing a grey beanie, an Ed Sheeren tshirt, and plaid pajama pants. His eyes are red and puffy. "Hey you." he whispers quietly. I can't help but smile. He takes the braid in his hands. "Who did this?" he asks. "Niall". Louis laughs softly. "What?" "You just don't see it do you? Niall likes you. Really, really likes you." Likes me? Wow."Oh! Louis! I forgot to tell you! I'm staying in this hotel while you boys are here!" Louis smiles. "Can you stay on the other bed in here tonight?" At that point, my heart aches for poor Louis. "Sure, let me go get my things and then I say we have a cheer up Lou movie night!" Louis hops from his bed to mine and wraps me in a big bear hug. "I say we go get some snacks!" "I already bought you chocolate!" He widens his eyes. "Pretty pweeeze?" "Fine, let's go!" Just for the fun of it, I change into my own pajamas, a purple Jack Willis hoodie that Harry gave me, purple plaid pajama pants and purple baily bow UGGS.  Louis plops me on his back and runs down the hotel hallway belting out "I Want" at the top of his lungs. Once we get down the elavator, he changes to "Stole my Heart". We finally reach the candy place and the other boys are still in the lounge. Louis picks out his chocalate and I go to pay and see the cashiers name is Valerie. Louis smirks. "No,Louis,no,no,no, shut up,SHUT UP!!!!" but it's too late. "WHY DONT YOU CMON OVEER VALERIEEEE?" the lady just laughs as I pay for his chocolate. 

Niall POV

I heard them before I saw them. Louis came bounding down the elevator, screaming out the lyrics to "Stole my Heart" , Annabell perched on his back, singing along. Ever since they'd met, they were attached at the hip. I had never seen two people become so close so fast. When Lou had been with Eleanor, they had never been this inspearable.

Liam POV

Right now,everything was chaos. Pure and utter choas. louis was acting like he was hiped up on sugar running around with Annabell on his back. Niall was looking at them like someone told him there was no more food left in the world. "Hey Zayn! I think little Nialler has himself a cruuuuush!!!" Zayn laughs. Louis, seeing that Niall is upset, brings Annabell over and dumps her into Niall's lap. Annabell bursts into a fit of giggles as Niall tickles her stomach. Zayn runs over and scoops her off Niall's lap and twirls her into the air.I pull off her shoes and she squeals. "Liam! Give me back my UGGs!" Zayn then proeeceds to drop Annabell into a now sitting Louis' lap. He yawns. "I think we should save movie night for another day." Harry puts Annabell's shoes back on and kisses her forehead. "Night, sis." Annabell smiles. "Night, Hazza. It's good to have you back." Harry then looks at Louis. "Take care of her, Lou"

Annabell POV

Louis gets me on his back again and carries me up to our room. "Goodnight Annabell. Thanks for being such a great friend." i smile into the pillow. "Night, Lou.". As I stare across the room at Louis' sleeping face, I realize that I am in love with Louis Tomlinson.

Whew! That took me a while to type! I dread the longer chapters XD I tried to find a pic of Annabell's braid, but I couldn't :( I actually made that hairstyle up! Anyways, Chapter One has no reads as of now, so the first person to add it to their reading list or comment will get a follow and dedication in the next chapter! Hope you liked it :) Lots of love -Katniss <3

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