this is the part were you run part 5✔️

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"Boo-hoo." "Everyone In here has lost something." "She doesn't hold the patent on it." Lizzie said

"Breathe." "Breathe."

"Come in."


"Speak of the actual devil."

"Sorry to bother." "Um... I'm feeling kind of restless." "I kind of need a release."

"Uh... back acres."

"But stay away from the Old Mill." "Heathens are having a secret party I'm gonna break up in ten minutes."


"I'm missing a party?"

at the part With Josie and Rafe

"I know that my sister kind of put her foot in it earlier." "I just... I really wanted you to know that we really are sorry about what happened to you."Stef tells Rafe

"Thanks." "I had gotten a... a track scholarship to UVA." "She was gonna follow me after graduation." "She was the best person I knew." "Pretty much loved her in that way that they say only exists in movies."

"People who say that are the people who have never had their hearts crushed."
"You, too?"

"On the regular." "same thing with my little sister" Josies say while thinking about how Stefine had watch there uncle Stefan burn in Hellfire.  "I care too much." "It's kind of a problem."

"I don't think that's a problem at all."

"You should give Lizzie a second chance."

"Lizzie is the best person that I know."

with Hope in wolf form and Stefine walking with her.


"Hope stared to growl at something I could not see." "after a second she started running after what ever it was." "so I ran after her." "and saw that it was Landon."


"I looked at Landon then at Hope who was still in her wolf form."

"Landon Give me your jacket please." "he looked at me like I was crazy but took it off and headed it to me." "I then look at Hope before throwing the jacket at her telling her to shift back." "which she did." when she was back as a human she began to yell at Landon

"Are you crazy?!" Hope questioned him "I almost killed you! she yelled"

later in the Stefan Salvatore memorial library

"Don't touch that" Hope and I say in unison

"Sorry." " I didn't. I-I mean, I wasn't... Where are we?"

"Uh, the Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library" , Stef tell Landon

"All the artifacts in here have a supernatural history."

"What's the story on this one?"

"No idea, but in our experience, your safest bet is to not touch it" Stef explains to Landon for the both herself and Hope.


"I'm sorry about earlier."

"You shouldn't have been out there."

"Yeah." "I'll file that under the things that seem really obvious after the fact."

"So... I guess this means you're a werewolf and that Lexi is a witch", He said, casually.

"actually Hope is a lot more then Just a wolf", Stefanie at the same time Hope says "I'm a lot of things." "and Lexi is not Just a witch" Hope add on.

"Care to elaborate?" Landon asks

"They're just gonna  make you forget tomorrow."

"Come on." "Humor me."

"Hope are you going to be okay" Stefine asks. hope nodes.

"I have somewhere I Have to be" Lexi tells Landon. so Lexi leves Hope and Landon

HOPE: "Funny how life works." "After years of pushing people away, I opened my heart to Landon Kirby, the human in the wrong place at the right time who just needed a place to belong. Turns out, Landon isn't the hero of my story at all. But when I hunt him down, I'm gonna be the villain of his."


next chapter coming soon


josie is still the one who used black magic.

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