some people just want to watch the world burn part 2 ✔️

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"Now what"?

" In anything Stefine and I've ever read... In fiction. the way to take down a dragon, you need a buttload of courage and a sword. How about a knife"?

"Took you long enough".

"Sorry, I couldn't find a rock".

"There's literally a lair full of heavy objects".

"Hope, alley-oop".


                                   back at the school with the Salzman triplets

once Stefanie was out of her daydream she notice that the Salvtore team was cheating because they were using there supernatural abilities. which made the young hybrid shake her head. but she just countious to watch the game while shakeing her head at her school mate.

"Let's go"!

"All day, baby".

"And there's more where that came from".

"Not if she's got anything to say about it''.

"What are you doing"? 

"I'm calling an audible of my own"


"I'm dead serious''.

"And you should be, too".

"Dad told us to lose today for a reason".

''Well, he ain't here. So screw that".

"Yeah, no one would be here if it weren't for him".

"My dad built this school for supernaturals like us, so if we win by flaunting all the things that make us different, we're gonna lose a lot more than a stupid game. We'll lose everything. You really want Dad to stop loving us? Keep it up. And if you don't..."

"She's right, Lizzie".

"We got to lose the game. I didn't ask for your opinion''.

"Or... door number three. Okay, we definitely didn't ask for your opinion".

"And how on earth do you always do that"?

Stephine counions to watch the game while shaking her head at her two older sisters. she didn't understand why her sisters thought that there dad didn't love them. since she is the one who is left out of family activity 9 time out of 10. 

"It's like she appears out of smoke".

"Hold up, hold up".

"What's door number three"?

"You win, without any of your supernatural special sauce".

''Fair and square''.

"Yeah, but we're legitimately terrible".

"No, we used to be terrible, but Kaleb's new this year''.

"So am I. I can help us win, too. Yo, I caught that pass earlier".

''Yeah, but you cheated''.

"You used your powers".

"No, I didn't. I'm... I'm just, I'm scrappy like that".

Good idea, Satan.

But to be clear, you can't have my immortal soul.

"Fair and square".

"Let's do this".


"there cheating aren't they" a Ghost Stefan question his little star.  Stefanie nodded her head at the ghost that was seating next to her. "what your not going to talk to me". " iv been told not to by bio dad since we don't know how this whole witch/angel thing work".  "so he just want to keep me safe even thought I want to talk to you".

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