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This is part two of Cheating



"So you two are good now?" Carly asked as she poured three glasses of iced tea."Yeah," Freddie sald, putting his arm around Sam, "We're good, I'd never cheat on"I think we can blame your mom for this one," Sam smiled, "Putting you in a sewingclass...she really did want a girl, didn't she?""Sewing's not just for girls, you know," Carly sald. "Spencer knows how to sew."Sam gave Carly a look."Not really helping my argument there, am I?" Carly sald, sipping her drink, Justthen her phone beeped."Oh my God!" she exclaimed, looking down at her text message. "Kurt Winnipegjust texted me! He wants to catch a movie tonight!""Who's Kurt?" Freddie asked."Her latest crush," Sam explained."He's beautiful," Carly said."Sam, you have to come upstairs with me and help medecide on what to wear. Do I go dress? Do I wear my new silver heels?""You're going to a movie," Sam pointed out."So? It's with Kurt!" Carly said, grabbing her best friend's wrist. "Come on!"Freddie chuckled as the girls hurried upstairs to Carly's room.He had just grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter when theapartment door opened up and Spencer walked in."Well, well, well," Spencer said, glaring at Freddie as he slammed the front doorclosed behind him. "Look who it is.""Um, hi?" Freddie frowned."Don't hi me mister!" Spencer said, "What was the one thing I told you never to do?Huh!""Um, get circus clowns mad?" Freddie asked, confused."No!" Spencer said loudly, "The one thing I told you never to do, when you firststarted dating Sam, was to hurt her! I told you to never hurt Sam or else, and whatdo you do?""Oh, that," Freddie said, laughing. "Look, that whole thing was just-""Oh, so you think that's funny?" Spencer asked, "Do you realize that before today, Ihad never seen Sam Puckett cry? And today, I did. And she was crying because ofyou!""Spencer," Freddie started. "I get why you're-""I have to say, I'm shocked, Freddie," Spencer said, his voice taking the serioustone it almost never did. "I thought you were a nice guy. That finally Sam couldhave a decent boyfriend. But I guess I was wrong about that."
"But Spencer I...""And you remember what else I said to you when you and Sam first started dating?"Spencer asked, stepping closer to Freddie."Er, no," Freddie sald."I said that if you ever did hurt her," Spencer said, kicking off his shoes as hestepped even closer to Freddie."That'd I make you pay."Wait," Freddie said, frowning. "Are you actually going to try and beat me up?""Not try, my friend!" Spencer said, "Will! Oh, and I'm required by law to tell youthat I got my white belt in karate when I was nine!""Um, what's going on down here?" Carly asked as her and Sam came downstairs."Just teaching Freddie here a little lesson about being a scutter!" Spencer said,"Okay....why?" Sam asked."Why?" Spencer frowned. "Because he cheated on you!""No, I didn't!" Freddie said."Don't try and deny-""Er, yeah, actually Spencer, he didn't," Sam said quickly. "See, turns out the girl Isaw him with at the Groovy Smoothie with the love smoothie was just some chickfrom his sewing class. Her boyfriend was coming to meet them, which is why shebought that love smoothie.""Sewing class?" Spencer repeated. "Dude, that' so lame.""Thanks!" Freddie snapped."So, why'd you take your shoes off to beat up Freddie?" Carly asked her brother."It's what everyone on T.V. does,Spencer shrugged. He turned back to Sam "So Idon't need to hurt him?""Nah," Sam grinned. "Not this time. But hey, thanks though, Spence."No problem," Spencer said. "Oh, and sorry about almost beating you up there,Freddie,'"Yeah, it's cool," Freddie said,"This wouldn't have happened if I was kept in the loop, you know!" Spencer said."We're in the age of technology, people! You could've sent me this new info in amatter of seconds!""Okay, next time we'll keep you up-to-date on any inter-group drama," Carly said,rolling her eyes."That's all I ask," Spencer said as he retreated to his bedroom.

Pls help i need ideas

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