The Vampire's Curse

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*Eloise's POV*

It all started when I was born. I was a perfect normal baby human and nothing seemed wrong with me. As I got older,toddler maybe,that's when my mom started noticing changes. My eye color would constantly change from my bright blue eyes to dark red ones. She took me to the doctor multiple times,but they said the same thing; there was nothing wrong.

When I was 10 my eating habits changed,I couldn't eat meat without gagging. Dad became worried because I loved meat; from chicken to bacon,but he didn't seem too worried until I just threw it all up completely. So he and mom took me to the doctors and they said that my body temperature kept going from normal then dropping to at least -50 ℉, I was really cold.

The doctor did some tests on me and told my parents blood wasn't pumping through my veins,traveling to my heart. There's was,but not a whole lot of it. I was basically dead! Mom did her motherly routine and began panicking. Dad had to calm her down as the doctor ran a few more tests. He found it quite odd that my eyes color was changing. He swore I had Alexandria's Genesis,but quickly doubted it because then I would have purple eyes,not red.

Age 16 was way worst. You know how girls are supposed to get their menstrual cycle? Well I didn't get it. Mom freak out! She started saying how I wasn't growing up and that I wasn't fertile and couldn't make her grand babies. I wasn't angry about it. I'm happy I didn't get because then I wouldn't have to deal with cramps and aches,stupid cravings,and getting irritated by people around me. I went to the doctors again!

Guess what they said?

I was dead. I was basically dead. No blood was in my system whatsoever and the pigments in my skim disappeared. I was so pale I looked dead,well I was. The doctor told my parents some information because at this point they didn't know what was wrong with me. Me,being a teenager,watched a lot of TV shows so basically I already knew what I "was",bit wasn't sure. I mean really? Come on now. I have red eyes and my skin is pale,no blood pumping through my body,but I'm still alive. Also,in my diet,I don't eat meat. I dunno why,but I just can't. I hate the smell and the taste,just makes me gag.

Anyway,by age 19 that's when they couldn't take it...well not dad,he knew what I was. Mom on the other hand felt like she didn't know me anymore so you know what she did? She never spoke to me or tried to see if I was alright. I didnt let it phase me though. If she wanted to disown me then fine,whatever. Bye mom. I still have dad!

21. I can't go outside. The sun burns me and no matter how much sun screen I pur on I get burned,literally. I sizzle and I basically get cooked. My mom cut herself one day and all the sudden I found myself attacking her. Thank God dad was there to stop me. That's when mom finally got it. She cried and apologized for neglecting me. I forgave her. Also,I stopped aging. Granny came over and that's when everything changed. How? I haven't see her in 21 years and for her to magically show up during this is odd.

Comes to find out granny has the same issue as me. Yep. She stop aging at 21,but this moment she's 78. Right?! Anyway. She said it runs through our family,but skips. When I have a daughter and then she has a daughter my granddaughter is going to have the same issue. Granny said it was a curse,started from our ancestors. We did some unforgiveable shit so whoever we pissed off cursed with a vampire gene.

Now,in the near future. I'm married with 6 kids; 3 boys and 3 girls. One of each got the "vampire gene". My husband loved and still loves the idea of his wife being a vampire,but we live in Colorado because not everyone loves vampires,plus they were forbidden. Other than that I live a happy life,even though my parents are no longer here. I bet they'd be proud of me right now.

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