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jeongin had arrived at work 3 hours prior, and he had already ran into his first problem.

"jeongin," the older male started, leaning towards the waiter in a threatening manner. "i need you to come outside with me."

jeongin rolled his eyes, this was almost a weekly occurrence for him. that occurrence being hwang hyunjin, of course. "hyunjin, please." he scoffed. "i don't need to listen to any of your bullshit. can you please wait until i get off of work at 7 to talk at least?"

"no, take your break now. it's important." hyunjin did sound quite frantic, most likely due to his non existent sobriety. he'd been under the influence of all sorts of substances since year 12 of high school. to say the least, he's always been a mess and jeongin was the only one who was able to put up with it. not that the younger wanted to, that was far from the truth. but he needed to. hyunjin didn't have many people who looked after him, so when all went spiraling down, he'd run to jeongin for help.

"fine, but make it quick, we're busy today."

"i will i promise."

eventually the two had made it outside and were seated in jeongins vehicle. the atmosphere was tense. hyunjin avoided eye contact for as long as possible, seemingly looking everywhere but in the others direction.

"hyun, you cant keep doing this to yourself." jeongin sighed, finally catching the attention of the older. "you're killing yourself and it hurts me to watch."

hyunjin sniffled, "i know, i know. i just—i need somebody right now and everyone else is gone. you're always working and it's hard for me to be alone all the time. i know you hate it when i come into your work like this, i don't mean to put the attention on you...i just—do you have any money or something? i'm dead broke right now and i—"

"you've got to be fucking kidding me." jeongin laughed. "you seriously pulled me out of work for money? hyunjin do you realize how fucking low of you that is?"

"i'm not gonna use it for drugs jeongin! i need food! just something to eat! i'm starving! i—i swear!"

"Then I'll go with you to buy groceries, but I am not giving you money to spend on your own." Jeongin stated. "But you're gonna have to wait for me to get off work."

Hyunjin frowned. "I— I just need some money please. Just some cash—"

Jeongin pulled out his wallet with attitude, pulled out wads of cash from tips and threw it at hyunjin profusely. "Here take my fucking money, Kill yourself with it for all i care." And he got out of the car without saying another word leaving hyunjin inside with a tear trembling down his cheek.

Jeongin walked back into the restaurant without looking back.

But minho did. Minho looked back. His eyes were no longer focused on the young male he'd been watching closely but now his attention was drawn towards the pathetic male in the front seat of jeongin a vehicle. Why, You may ask? Well his whole mindset had evolved. killing jeongin could wait, killing him could wait because he could probably catch him too if he wanted. What would be a quick and easy kill was the boy in the car. Seemingly out of it and—

There he went, exiting the car. This was his chance.

"Excuse me" minho said approaching the unstable male.

"Yes?" Hyunjin answered simply

Minho smiled, oddly enough. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to be watching but I couldn't help but see you were being yelled at in the car and from the looks of it, you don't seem alright..."

Hyunjin was sketched out by the man and secondly he wasn't in the mood to talking to some random stranger. "I'm alright, it s not really your business" he was emotionally distressed and all he was thinking about was how useless he felt and how betrayed he felt from jeongin.

"I know it's not but..." minho trailed off. "You we're asking him for cash, am i wrong?"


"I can lend you some cash if you do me a favor."

Hyunjin looked the man in the eye. He really didn't want to. Something was off about this guy and he knew he should've listened to his guts but the money was too tempting. He needed drugs in his system soon, he felt nauseous. "What kind of favor?"

"You have to buy me whatever shit you're on with the money I give you and you can take half of the drugs."

Hyunjin was concerned that it was so easy to tell he had been using. But again the track marks on his arms were pretty noticeable. "Deal" he said. Just needing the drugs, nothing more.

And then they were off to wherever hyunjins supplier was located.

(A/n: sorry for the shitty chap. I'm out of state's custody now so I can write again!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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