Chapter 2: Departure

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     Later that night, when most of Xalengard was sleeping, Sora was talking with his two siblings of the prophecy.

     Sora sat in a chair, next to his Brother, Kieba, and sister, Chino. They all gathered in the middle of their small house, Kieba and Chino sat on the couch close to Sora, the just got done eating dinner, courtesy of Chino.

     "So, you're trying to tell me, we have to go to this place called Mysidia, another village, in the damn mountains, all three of us, to learn magic?" Kieba said, in disbelief as Sora gave a quick run-down of the prophecy. "Yeah, that's the gist of it, crazy right? I don't want to go either, but we have no choice. The universe will be destroyed, we will meet someone else along the way according to the spirit." Sora gave his reply. Kieba was still skeptical, when chino spoke.

"Whatever happens, we'll be with you, Sora. As always, and besides, using magic would be cool. Also it will make life so much easier, I mean the simple tasks." Chino argues Kieba's point.

"Fine, you two win, and I won't let you leave me here. I'm just kind of scared, you know? The fate of the whole universe is at stake, and the three of us and another person, we have no idea who, are meant to stop it? Though the three of us have been through a lot, we can push through this too, eh?" Kieba speaks, turning his emotional outbreak to somewhat of a motivational speech, in a sense.

"After we pack and get a good night's rest, let's go. Through the forest, up the mountains, and we go from there, I guess." Sora replies, calmly. They'll make it through this, they have to. They packed the necessities, food, water, tools, then the three of them rested, all three of them hoping they find this fourth person soon on their journey.

The next day the trekked endlessly through the forest, finding interesting plants, berries, and lots of foliage in general to make comfortable makeshift beds for when they set up camp for the night, they reached a river and dusk was falling.

"Well, we can't really go further without knowing how, so let's set up camp here. Kieba, you wanna unpack stuff so we can sleep, Chino can probably cook a nice meal, and I'll search for wood for a fire, because it'll be a lot colder of a night without one." Sora says, suddenly taking command of the three, though they were all comfortable with their tasks, so off they went, in a few minutes they all sat down on some logs Sora and Kieba dragged around a small campfire, and began to eat some of the meat Chino made.

"I'm sort of worried about crossing the river, as its a rather wide gap, and more likely than not deep, we'll have to find a way across." Sora broke the silence, speaking between mouthfuls. Chino is an incredible cook. Sora thought to himself.

"Well, I for one am not going ton look with you, my legs are going to fall off if I walk further tonight." Kieba sighs, after finishing his share. They've been walking for hours. He moves the log he was sitting on a bit closer to the campfire, as winter seems closer every day.

"I must say I agree with Kieba, I'm exhausted after all that walking! Though, if you want, you can go on your own, you seem like you can't sleep, maybe take your mind off things, given the circumstances." Chino says, More or less to let him collect his thoughts, it's like he's been lost in his own mind, incapable of really feeling free. it seems. Chino is quite worried, she follows Kieba's lead, sitting closer to the fire. Ever since the three lost their parents at a young age, they've stuck together, and they've come through quite a lot since.

As Chino and Kieba both drift to sleep, laying cozily by the fire, Sora walks off. Downstream. Yachrindl pierces his thoughts. Sora doesn't really like Yachrindl just being there, sure, he may be helpful, it's still discomforting to know your thoughts can be seen by another. He reaches a waterfall after a while, the river flowing down, somewhat close to the edge though, seems like a bridge of rocks. That could very well work. Sora thinks to himself. Why do you think I led you downstream? I am to guide you, though I cannot interact with the living world, other than appear in a ghost-like form for a few minutes at a time each day. Yachrindl explains. Sora is quite irritated at Yachrindl impeding his thoughts on a often basis, regardless, he walks back to camp. Once he gets there he sits against a tree, and slowly drifts off to sleep.

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