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(Hope"s POV)
I was walking home from a long night at work,It was really late and I was walking alone. It definitely wasn't the best idea now that I think about it. I was walking as fast as I can when I bumped into this heavy big and bulky figure. I looked up to see this sick looking man. He had a disgusting grin on his face that told me exactly what was about to happen next. I took a deep breath and started running in the opposite direction. I heard the man grumble something under his breath followed by heavy footsteps behind me. I ran as fast as I could taking as many corners and shortcuts as I could find to rid myself of this horrid man. Before I knew it I heard this loud scream coming from behind me. I turned around only to see red mist. I panicked and slowly started to back away. I bumped into a wall and decided to just stand there while I try to figure out what the red mist was. That's when I saw her. The scarlet witch herself. I froze looking at her red eyes.they softened and slowly turned into a beautiful mix between light green and blue. i started panicking unable to get air into my lungs when I caught sight of the scene infront of me. The Man who had been chasing me was lying there in a pool of his own blood.
Wanda: hey no no dorogoy, it alright its alright you're safe. its ok. The bad mans gone, he's gone.
I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. I gave a her a tight lipped smile muttering a small thank you before walking out of the alley making my way back to the apartment.  I could feel my breathe slowly start to even out but the shaking in my body didn't decrease one bit. I heard quick footsteps behind me. Making me turn and I was met with the red head coming towards me again
Wanda;  hey I'm Wanda by the way what's your name
hope: I'm uh hope
I wanted to tell her I knew who she was but I decided I want going to since it seemed kinda rude. I gave her an awkward smile again hoping I would actually be able to leave this time. Its not that didn't want to talk to her, I didn't mind talking to her its just that it was late at night and I had something early in the morning tomorrow. I slowly turned before walking all the way back to my apartment which was about 20 minutes away. The whole way there I could feel eyes on me but I decided to ignore since every time I tried to look of the source there was nothing there. I finally reached home and decided that I was going to close all the curtains just to make sure that I would get rid of this feeling. I took a shower and went to bed after that with the uneasy feeling still in the back of my head

Wandas POV
Today was my first interaction with hope. Even though I hate the fact that that disgusting man even thought about my baby in that way, I'm kind of grateful for him since I was able to finally talk to her. God her voice is amazing, I'm never gonna forget what it sounds like. Its so cute and it sounds like silk. and omg she smelled so good. Oh god I sound so creepy, but I mean can you blame, she smelled like bubbles and vanilla. I can't wait to have her in my arms, to be able to have her scent consume my senses while she sleeps between me and my wife. Speaking of nat, she said she was going to follow her home and make sure she gets there ok, she should be here by now though. As if it was planned she walked straight in through the door.
Nat: Wanda you want believe what she did. She closed her curtains, can you believe that. This is like the first time she closes them. What if she's catching on

Wanda: well then maybe we need to get her sooner than we anticipated

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