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Melina's POV

When Yelena told me what Natasha had done to an innocent little girl I was about to go over to nat's house and give her a proper smack in the face but I decided that I would meet the little girl she got her hands on.

When I got there I greeted Yelena and that's when saw her, god she was adorable. I can see why nat wanted her, but what nat did was wrong. I greeted the girl and I wanted to try and make her feel as comfortable as I possibly could with me.

Melina: I'm so sorry my daughter did that to you. You can call me mama, ok.

The girl turned away from me and gave me a tight smile, she seemed kind of uncomfortable. She turned to Yelena before signaling to her that she wanted to be carried.

Yelena: maybe she shouldn't call you mama

I looked at the girl sadly before Yelena picked her up and placed her on her hip. For someone who didn't want to be treated like a baby, she was sure acting like one. I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts, this girl shouldn't be forced into something she didn't want. I headed upstairs with Yelena as she led me to the bedroom id be staying in. I got into the room getting ready to start unpacking.

Hopes POV

Yelena's mom came and she told me to call her mama. It reminded me of Natasha and Wanda immediately making me want to cry. I signaled for Yelena to carry me since it was the only source of comfort I could get at this moment. She took me to Kate's room then she left with her mom to another room. I decided to take a nap since it was almost 5 pm and we had woken up early today. I got into the bed, Kate was sitting next to me above the covers and I was under them. I was against her before I fell asleep.

*in a dream*

I looked at another me as she woke up in bed with both nat and Wanda. she was snuggled into the both of them. She looked around the room before trying to get out of bed. Nat pulled her closer to her, she hugged her tight

Nat: mamas still tired baby lets go to sleep

I just snuggled deeper into her not even in control of what I was doing. I tilted my head as I stared at myself while I'm in bed. I looked so peaceful. I started to leave the room as I was back n their house. I don't think they could see me because I was just standing over there when Natasha pulled the other me into her. I walked out of the room and I went into the corridor I looked around and I saw a pinkish door. It had my name on it. That is not what this room used to look like. It had a normal brown door. Not a name insight. I furrowed my brows as I opened the door. Inside was a beautiful room.it was close to the "nursery" before but it was prettier. I walked in and looked around. They had set up fake vines all around the room. I guess other me must've told them I liked plants. There were little plants scattered all around the room. I went into the closet and realized that It was the same as before so I just left. Then I went into the bathroom. There were more pants in here but one thing that intrigued me was bottles of conditioner and shampoo. It was a really expensive kind that I would only get some of on my birthday. It was like a little treat. They smelled amazing and they always made my hair look great but 100$ for shampoo and conditioner is a bit too much for me so I tend to steer clear from them. I left the room going down the steps and say that the whole house was clean and almost the same except for the white couch that was in the living they had switched it out for a black one. The rest of the house was the same. I made my way to the front door. I turned the knob before hearing Wanda's voice

Wanda: where are you going detka

*after dream*

(Basically in the dream hope sees another "hope" in bed with Wanda and nat and she thinks they can't see her so she wanders the house and then she wakes up when Wanda scares her by talking to her)

I woke up from the nightmare/dream. I was breathing heavily and realized I was in the room alone. I lied back down deciding on just taking deep breaths to try and calm myself down. The dream felt so real.

Wanda's POV

*at 6 pm*

Nat and I decided to check up on hope so I went into our room closing the door. I focused and tried to get into Yelena's head. Yelena seemed to be having. Conversation with her mother. Wait, her mom? Why is her mother here? I quickly shook my head reminding myself to tell nat about this afterward. I focused on hope and operantly she was asleep so I decided to try and control hope's dream.

*insert hopes dream*

When I was done I calmed down, it actually took a bit of time because it was hard to do this, and got out of everyone's head and went out of the room. I walked down into the living room where nat was sitting on the couch doing some work on her laptop.

Wanda: nat, have you talked to your mom recently

Nat: not really, why

Wanda: well I saw Yelena talking to her, I couldn't understand what she was saying because it was in Russian but it sounded serious.

Nat: Yelena was what, I'm gonna kill her 

*phone ringing* 


992 words 

I am starting midterms on Sunday so I might not have time to post as much, I hope you like this chapter though

(i added the phone ringing now, so I can relate it to the next chapter  )

lots of love, me<3

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