His name is Remus Lupin

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A boy turns his head to take a look at the clock before turning the next page of his book. In the background you can hear water sounds from rain droplets falling on the streets outside.

Someone is walking up the stairs. 'Remus? Are you upstrairs?', a woman speaks. The boy replies with a simple; 'Yes' 'It's almost dinner time, so please come down from there as soon as you're ready' 'Okay mom' and he lets out a big yawn before he closes his book and stands up.

He tries to fix his clothes, not that he's wearing anything very special. Most of his clothes are in his closet because they're comfy. His hair is somewhere between blonde and brown, not really valid as either colours. Eyes are chocolate brown and his name, is Remus Lupin.

Remus rushes downstairs and his mother says while she's finishing dinner: 'Can you deck the table?'

That didn't take much time and Remus' dad came home halfway through dinner. His dad always has to work long hours, but it pays off. 'Are you excited?', his dad says while chewing on his food. 'For what?' 'For your new school ofcourse.' Then he remembers, how could he forget. Remus will be attending college in a few weeks. 'I don't really know.' He replies uncertainly. He had earned this scholarship in a competition, so they wouldn't have to pay for it. The school does have a good reputation and is among the best schools in the uk, but it's also 4 hours away from home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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