20 facts about me challenge!!

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Me: alright! So, I was challenged by Maria (Otaku-con) to do this 20 facts challenge so here goes nothing!

1. I am a girl ppl!!! Girl! Non-male, female! Do I need to spell it out? G-i-r-l!

2. I'm a major tomboy! Hate all things girly especially pink!

3. I'm almost a black belt! The test is on May 9th and is 4 hours long!!! TT^TT

4. I'm 12!

5. My birthday is June 25th!

6. I'm an Otaku, obviously!

7. First anime that I ever watched was..... Ghost hunt I think? Possibly Fairy Tail.

8. I'm a major horror fan! I want 2 see the movie Ouija :3 and nightmare on elm street! But that's rated R, at least Ouija is rated pg-13

9. I. HATE. TWILIGHT!!! Ppl come on!!! Vampires do not sparkle in the sun!!! They get a major case of sun burn!!!

10. I have 5 older siblings! 3 bro's 2 sisters! But that's in reality, here on Wattpad I actually have 6 older siblings and 1 younger sister.

Vicky: That's me!!! :3

11. I LUV doctor who!!! ALLONS-Y!!! GERONIMO!!!

12. I absolutely can't stop listening to this song XD (the vid) watch it, you'll laugh your ass off! And once u have finished watching it comment ur favorite part here -----> ......

13. I'm a MAJOR bookworm!

14. I'm a Texan! And an aggie! DONT MESS WITH TEXAS!!! >:D

15. Hmm.... I want to be a marine biologist in coast guard/author/artist/singer when I grow up!

16. I am a Christian! God bless you all!!!

17. I have many pets, 2 turtles, 5 dogs, and a cat named stitch that looks like a fluffy pillow with legs and a tail.

18. It's actually thanks 2 ma dad that I'm an Otaku now, THANK YOU DAD!!!

19. I'm lonely :( and that's why I have Wattpad friends :D ^~^

20. I'm home schooled, which kinda explains #19


ALRIGHT!!! Now that that's done, time to challenge some ppl!! *looks at list of followers* hmm... Oh!!!




Plaid_The_Cat -3-


And finally!!! *drum roll*


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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