A suicidal dare and another friend?!

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Otaku2314- (I saw you posted a story and I found this time to dare) I dare everyone to jump from a roof but Rogue was to jump from an airplane and they all have to try landing in the small pool.

Me: Yuki! Glad you could make it! Sorry this took so long, I practically fell asleep on my phone!

Sting: Wait she wants us to do what?!

Rogue: I am NOT jumping from a plane!!

Me: Yes you are. *Teleports rogue to plane and everyone else to 100 story skyscraper*

Vicky: I want to jump from a plane to!

Me: fine but don't 100% expect to land safely.

Vicky: of course not!

Lucy: who's that?

Me: no one! Now jump!

Everyone: *jumps* AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Me: *Teleports small pool below and a portal to fairy tail next to it*

Everyone: Yay!

Me: what are you all so happy about?! I made that portal for Rogue, me, Wendy, and Vi- I mean no one.

Rogue: *suddenly comes plummeting beside me*

Everyone: *lands in the pool*

Me/Rogue/Vicky/Wendy: *go into the portal and land safely in fairy tail*

Me: well I better get them out before they drowned.

Yuki- I dare Lauxus to paint the Sabertooth emblem on the magic council building.

Me: Lauxus! Get your ass over here!!

Lauxus: What is it red?!

Me: first of all, I have a name! Second of all, a friend of mine has a dare for you.

Lauxus: *reads piece of paper* *Grins* I like your friends thinking. *Paints Sabertooth emblem on the council building*


Sting&Rogue: WE DIDNT DO IT WE SWEAR!!!!!

Yuki- Then I dare Erza to do the same but with the kings palace! ILL BE BACK I PROMISE THAT!!

Erza: *sighs* I pity Sabertooth. *paints emblem on palace*



Vicky: I want to do Vandalism!

Me: NO!!

Natsu: seriously Tori, who is that?

Vicky: im-

Me: *covers her mouth* Nobody! She's just a weird girl who somehow got into my book!

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