Chapter 6

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How strange. This little flower, he . . . he seems so sad. He seems like- it's almost like he's just like me. Maybe he had a bad family too. I'll ask him about it later.

Right now, all you wanted to do was make sure Flowey felt safe. Whenever you felt sad and all alone, all you ever wanted was for someone to comfort you, to tell you everything was going to be alright. The only person who ever got close to comforting you in this way was your grandmother, and even still she was unable to give you the sympathy you really needed, since you were forbidden from telling her about your abuse.

Something about Flowey reminded you a lot of yourself. The way he started crying out of seemingly no where, how he would space out for a couple of seconds, his expression deepening into pain or sadness- they were all things that you did too. And so, you felt a special connection to the little flower.

Suddenly, you hear a small voice beside your ear. You couldn't make out what it was saying at first, but as Flowey raised his head off your shoulder and the voice became unmuffled, you realized it was him speaking.

"Thanks for comforting me," he mumbled, his voice soft and weak. "I, um, never caught your name."
"Ah!" you had completely forgotten to introduce yourself. "I'm Y/n L/n! Sorry for not telling you sooner."

Flowey glances at your eyes, and then looks away, still looking shaken up from his spell. All of the confidence he had emitted previously was gone now; he seemed completely vulnerable. A small part of you was happy that he felt like he could share this vulnerability with you. "Y/n. That's a nice name."
You smile at Flowey, noticing that he was beginning to cheer up. "Thanks, Flowey. I think your name is really nice too!"

You weren't sure, but you thought you might've seen Flowey's cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Hey, Y/n," Flowey says, making eye contact with you once again. "You said you were wanting to stay in the Underground, right?"
"Yeah, I was hoping to," you reply.

"Well, if you'd like, I can show you around the Underground," he offered.

"Really?" you gasped. "You'd do that for me? Thank you so much!"

"It's no problem, really," he muttered sheepishly, his eyes angled at the floor. "Come with me, we can start from here."

You followed Flowey as he guided you through long, twisted pathways. The way he traveled was . . . unique, to say the least. He would alternate between ducking underground and then emerging a few feet ahead, and unrooting himself from the ground and walking on the tips of his roots. You giggled under your breath as you watched him waddle across the ground- he looked like a baby duck.

Eventually, you made it to a large, brightly lit room. There was a beautiful golden throne in the center, surrounded by a bed of wilted flowers.

"This was King Asgore's garden," Flowey explained. "These flowers used to be beautiful and full of life, but with no one to care for them, they all died."
"That's really too bad," you say regretfully. "They must've been really pretty."

"I was one of those flowers, before Dr. Alphys brought me to life," Flowey remarked.

"Wow, really?" you asked. "That's so cool! You were one of the king's flowers! I bet you felt really special."

"Eh, kind of," he mumbled. "Truth be told, once I found out that I could leave, I did. While the king was friendly, he was. . . how do I put this. . ."

While Flowey was trying to come up with an answer, you wander over to a fairly large object near the hallway you had entered from. It was covered in a what looked to be a white sheet; you couldn't be completely sure of the color, as it was coated in what looked like years' worth of dust.

Reaching out towards the object, you grab hold of the sheet that was draped over it. It was heavier than you expected, but with a bit of effort, you managed to pull it off of what you could now see was a throne.

"The king was overbearing! Yeah, that's the right word for it." Flowey announced, satisfied with the term he had used to describe King Asgore. He glanced over at you. "Hey, whatcha doi-"

He cut himself off as he stared in complete awe at the throne. You couldn't help but join in. It really was a beautiful piece of furniture- It was shiny and golden, with no sign of age, thanks to the sheet that was protecting it. It was lined with a beautiful purple shade of velvet cloth. You reach out and tentatively run your fingers along the fabric; it was so soft- softer than anything you had ever felt.

"That was the queen's throne," Flowey breathed, breaking the silence.

"Why was it all covered up?" you questioned, confused as to why the king's throne was left out in the open while the queen's was covered up and hidden.

"Decades ago, the king and the queen broke apart their relationship," he explained. He had a strange look in his eyes; you couldn't quite put your finger on what the look meant. "They had two children: one they had birthed themselves, whose name was Asriel; and another that they had adopted: a human child named Chara."

The look in his eyes intensified. Was that- grief? He looked somewhat sad, even remorseful.

"One day, both of their children died; one to a terrible sickness, and the other to the hands of the humans," he stated forlornly. "The king decided that every human that would fall into the Underground after that was to be sentenced to death, their soul taken in order to be used to break the barrier."

You let out a small gasp. How many people were killed after falling down?!

"The queen, however, wanted all of the humans to be treated well and cared for," Flowey continued. "She left the king, retreating to a small corner of the Underground called the Ruins and adopting any child that fell down."
"So that's why the throne was put away," you murmured. "No one was there to use it."

"Exactly," Flowey confirmed.

You and Flowey stayed in the throne room a bit longer, gazing at the queen's throne. There was a sort of unspoken agreement between the two of you that it was necessary to have a moment of respect for the queen and her throne.

Shortly after, you leave the throne room, continuing on your journey through the Underground. You couldn't help but think back on that look in Flowey's eyes when he was telling you the king and queen's history. He seemed so genuinely sad about it; it wasn't the kind of sadness of a loyal subject sad for the king and queen's loss. It was something more than that. Did he have some sort of connection with the royals that he wasn't letting on about? You decided to hold off on asking him about it for now. After all, he was being kind enough to give you a free tour of the Underground- the least you could do to repay him was respect his privacy. 

A Purpose in Bloom { Flowey x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now