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Bakugou signed as he entered the store through the automatic glass doors lined with silver metal. His eyes were immediately assaulted by red, pink, and white hearts placed everywhere. There was assorted bouquets in the many colors, but the majority were red roses. Giant boxes and many shelves were filled with large to small stuffed animals in many colors, but mostly red or pink with white accents.

Valentine's Day was soon and he absolutely was not going to enjoy shopping with his frien- idiots. The only reason he even agreed to go to such a public place that is definitely way too crowded was because Uraraka, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima begged him. They laid on the floor, two to an ankles as they whined for Bakugou to help them while he tried to walk away from them.

It pissed Bakugou off until he heard what they wanted. He had forgotten it was February and Valentine's Day would be coming. Training with Midoriya, working at the agency with Endeavor, hanging out with his squad, studying with Todoroki, and making sure he has top grades because he would be graduating this year all had him distracted.

So Bakugou had a mission even though he hated the idea of shopping with his friends who were too loud while being around a bunch of other annoying extras. What was his mission? He wanted to start courting the green headed Omega and what better way to start courting someone than with a Valentine's Day gift? It's probably the best idea he's ever had or that he could come up with on such a short notice. He can't believe he forgot.

If things go well then they can date, if things don't go well then he can just say he was joking and it's a friendly Valentine's day gift. That's why he even heard his idiot's pleas and conceded for once. They wanted his help to pick out gifts for their significant others. Of course they had no idea what Bakugou was planning, but that's okay. The less they know, the better and the more likely they won't blab about it or Midoriya or anyone that might tell Midoriya.

Kaminari an Omega was dating Shinsou a Beta, Sero a Beta was dating Ashido an Alpha, Kirishima an Alpha was dating Todoroki a Beta and lastly Uraraka an Omega who was dating Asui who's a Beta. They all wanted Bakugou's professional help so he would assist them while using it as a cover to complete his actual mission which was to find a courting gift. It had to be absolutely perfect for the Omega.

As he walked through the store looking at all the colors that represented love he thought about what kind of gift he wanted to get. Midoriya was special and a Prime Omega. Bakugou has apologized with every fiber of his being for what he's done in the past and continues to try to be the best he can be for everyone, but especially for Midoriya. They've been though hell together. They've made it through their ups and downs together and they'll continue into the future together. Well Bakugou hopes they will anyway as long as Midoriya wants him there.

That's why he can't get some crappy meaningless gift like a small heart shaped box of chocolates for the Prime Omega. He deserved the best Bakugou could get. The blonde Alpha saw many types of gifts. Midoriya likes sweets, but chocolates are too lame and will be eaten in a matter of hours. Flowers, though pretty, will die in a day or two and become ugly wilted versions of their former selves. Balloons are just lazy and can be popped or deflate in a few days. Bakugou wanted something that would last and be memorable for his Omega.

No, not his Omega. Well not yet. Bakugou himself was a Prime Alpha so the two of them were the highest of all the secondary genders. Sure they were basically made for each other and to dominate everyone else but if Midoriya didn't want him or his alpha then Bakugou was going to force it. He's not some shitty knot head that doesn't know what the hell no means. No means no and he respected that.

Bakugou shook his head with a frown trying to get his brain back on track as his friend grab his attention.
"What?" He asked Kaminari who was tugging on his arm

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