Part 2

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Different day same dollar. It was 8 in the morning when I woke up. The sun hit my face through my blinds because I forgot to get blackout curtains. I groaned and rolled off from my bed to my feet, grabbed my phone, and shuffled to the door connecting to the rest of the apartment, I heard faint music. I open and the music is louder and coming from the kitchen. I sleepily walked to see Tolkien in the kitchen making his protein shake.

"Morning dude. How did you sleep?" I groaned in response sitting at our dinner table. " What's wrong this time?" He turned down the music. I believe it was Chance the rapper. He always plays that when it is workout day for him and he has no classes. I still can't believe we (he) got an apartment.

"I just hate mornings," I mumbled. " Did Clyde cook?" I looked around for the other housemate.

"Nah, he said he was hitting Tweak bros. For Breakfast." I groaned even louder slipping deeper in the chair. " Don't worry he won't look at that blond's ass." He snickered. "Bro, Why didn't you ask for his number instead of staring at his ass?"

"Don't you start with me. I wasn't even thinking and now he thinks I'm a creep." Tolkien sat down at the table. " I gotta hit another $100 today to make 600." I swiped my phone unlocked and opened the app and clicked dash now. Tolkien shrugged at me and started to drink his shake. The door clicked open and Clyde walked in holding a brown bag and drinks.

"Morning bitches. I brought breakfast." he set the food in front of me with a stupid smile on his face. " Craig, I saw your crush this morning. He has so sweet in a gay way. Dude, you really should ask him out." I glared at him. He only smiled and opened the bag and started eating.

" Listen to me Dipshit. I can't. I can't show my face back there ever again." I groaned. I heard my phone ding indicating I had an order. Clyde grabbed my phone before I can even process what is happened.

"Oooohh, it's a $15.00 order, and it's only 6 miles." Clyde hit accepted and handed me back my phone. " And it is for Tweak Bros coffee," he smirked smugly taking another bite of his beagle. I wanted to punch him and that beagle so badly. " Don't be a pussy, Craig. No nuts, No nuts" I glared and did punch him in the stomach before I walked out the door.

"Fuck you, Clyde." I slammed the door to our apartment and got in my car. I sat in my car contemplating if I should drop the order and not face him. I know I am being pussy right now because the first interaction wasn't my best, but I can't let Clyde get the best of me. I sighed and started my car and headed to the coffee shop.

I pulled into the parking lot and just stared at the sign of the store. I sighed and got out of the car and walked into the store. 'In and out and don't make an ass of yourself.' I repeated in my head as I walked to the front counter.

The smell of coffee soon hits my nose and the warm feeling of the building was welcoming. I felt my nerves settle and I walked to the counter. It didn't look so busy and I didn't see him at the front counter. I let out the breath I was holding when I made my way up. "Uh I have a door dash pick up," I said to the cashier. They had a confused look, "The owner said this place started doing doordash is he around?"

"N-no, my dad is o-out, but I have most of the order." I snapped my neck to the side and saw Tweek come from the back. It felt like time has stopped and everything seemed to fade away. Blond hair now being held back by a headband, shirt buttoned incorrectly and jeans just hugging his hips in the right places,' God that was a gay statement,' " H-hey Craig," he smiles that melted my heart, and his voice was that of an angel,

"Hey, Sorry about Yesterday." I rushed my words out quickly before I made a fool of myself. He chuckled and the smile still never left his face.

"It's c-cool dude, you're n-not the first one to say that about me." He turned his back and went back to the order and began sealing the bag. " I have a friend k-Kenny who would say that all the time." I inwardly cringe. I knew Kenny and just the idea of him flirting with my coffee bean makes my stomach hurt. He handed me the order and smiled. "Have a nice dash." after that he walked back to the back of the store. I quite said my byes to him and the cashier.

As I walked out with the order in hand, my phone vibrated with a text message.

'No nuts No nuts' from Clyde. I glared at my phone and walked back in to face the cashier.

" Can you get Tweak Please?" I laid my hands on the counter and I will prove to Clyde and I'm going to get his number. I had the confidence and I had the cool like who would say no to Craig Motherfucking Tucker.

"Listen, Do you want to hang out sometime." I rushed out of my mouth and he looked so confused maybe I said it too fast. There goes my confidence, now he will think I'm a loser. My palms felt sweaty and my body started to heat up. I looked at him waiting for an answer.

"Um, I don't know the shop gets really busy." Tweak started.

"It's okay I'm fine wherever you are available You can text me and even if we can't hang I wouldn't mind chilling here at your shop and talking to you." I took out my phone and clicked new contact, " You seem really cool and I want to get to know you." His smile could melt ice caps and took my phone. Just the slight touch of his fingers sent lighting throughout my whole body. He handed it back so quickly, that I almost dropped my phone. "I'm going to text you so you have my number see ya." I waved and rushed out of the building to my car and started at his name on my phone. I did it. I actually got his number and he smiled at me. I feel sooo happy. I started my car and drove off to the customer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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