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“Oh, ah… yes!” A moan escaped his mouth.
He couldn't think of anything, because his body was shaking and his brain was vibrating.

Josh instinctively lifted his legs and wrapped them around the man's waist. When he mustered enough strength, he pressed his penis inside of him.
"Huh…" The man spat out a groan with heavy breathing.

The man held him with his arms putting pressure on his body, and he immediately placed his hands under his knees. Josh was bent in half as the man rammed his penis against his butt.

"Oh…" A long cry tore from deep in his throat.
The man was never considerate or caring.  He placed his thick body on top of him.

Josh was begging even before he realized it. The man's penis is hot and swollen, but he was being crushed by the mattress and the man on top of him.

He felt no pain. This was just a sex. Neither he nor Josh are not in the right mind at that time.

So it was just a carnal encounter. All he know, is that the man's huge penis slides in and out of his hole and at the same time it sucks it in.

"Oh, uh, uh, uh…" Josh was crying, unconsciously thinking:

...Deeper deeper make it harder... Oh, it fills everything inside of me.

Finally the man swelled penis pushed it to the end, while Josh's insides received him, squeezing him hard.



The amount of ejaculate was immense. A large amount of liquid ran through and

it filled Josh's entire cavity.

His sweet scent overflowed to the tip of his nose,
while the sperm spread throughout his body.

Josh started feeling numb by the pheromones and his body fell exhausted. 

When the vision clouded with a vague conscience, the man bit his ear suddenly “Ah!” The eerie sound of the bite reached his ear.

At that time the scream broke out, the awareness that had become distant for a moment,
return.  His voice flowed into Josh's ear, shaking with pain and shock.

"You are all mine." The whispers made Josh shudder, instinctively the man bit his ear again.

"Uh-uh…" A groan escaped Josh's mouth.

After biting, sucking and licking on Josh's bloody ear for a long time, the man exhaled.  They both fell asleep.

Josh found out later that the man had left a mark on him.

TRANSLATOR'S NOTE:  If you find the translation difficult to understand, its up to you whether you want to stop or continue reading. This version is an MTL from the Spanish group and I edited some part that is messy and difficult to understand. You can read the official english translation at WORDEXERPT for 9.99 $ a month.

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