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"Wait a minute, everyone calm down. No, don't go out! Hey hey hey look over there!"

The bodyguards struggle to stop the crowd.  It is usually difficult to control the fans in this type of event but today in particular is more complicated.

Of course I know the reason and I'm prepared. It's because of the star that's scheduled to arrive soon.

At the time of his debut, he received so much attention not to say that he shook all of North America. Since then, he has been building a fan base.

He's enjoying his day enough just to call him. I can see people around me who say they would do anything if they could see him, at least once in his life, they would even rob a bank to draw his attention, causing him to laugh.

The news that he attend the event is enough to shake the entire world.    

The bodyguards hired for the event scream and shout, from time to time there are lots of people trying to get through the guards and jump in front of them.
Dealing with hyenas aiming for holes, while keeping people from in front.
I hope this ends soon. All the bodyguards were thinking the same.
The people who were invited are arriving one by one, but the most important is not yet here.

You should come quickly introduce yourself and enter.
Wouldn't that be the best?
"Two hours is enough to stay."
The secretary, Laura, speaks calmly next to him.                  

"You must expose this watch. I think it would be enough to show it  when you slightly fix your hair."

It was designed specifically for Mr. Miller. Laura looks into his eyes, the man who hasn't even seen her until then, lowers his head.

Glancing at the jewel on his wrist. The —night desert—-themed watch attracted his attention not only because of the sophisticated craftsmanship, but also because of the elegant design and the brilliance of the diamonds surrounding it. He slowly opens his mouth.

"Not bad."

That was it.

Laura smiles sheepishly. The man turns his eyes back to the window, although his face is that of a god, he prefers to put his attention on the outside.

Looking at his face is much more fun than looking out the window. Laura looks forced to admit that he is a narcissist.

She has been working as a secretary for years  in his side, but she still rarely met his gaze, however when it happens, she can't move, as if a wave of electricity rose to her body.

Since she learned of his temperament, Laura appreciates that his words are short, and that sometimes  don't say a single one word all day.

If he didn't say anything, she would have ended up quitting.

Chase, leaning against the door, one hand cupping his chin, close his eyes slowly.  Thanks to this, Laura, can see his profile face.

Pale looking at first glance, he has dull shadows across his eyes. Even before being hired as his secretary, she has seen numerous stars, thanks to her work as a secretary for another actor, but Laura has never seen a beautiful man like this. He wears a long elegant shirt with a collar covered to the end, but it's neat.

His fingernails hanging over his thighs are carefully trimmed and go well with his long fingers.
When she first saw him, Laura imagined that he was strangling his neck with those elegant fingers.

Fortunately,  it never happened. He was a beautiful man from any angle you look at him.

Laura  hesitates to use the word pretty, but it is not easy to find the right word.

After that he sighs and opens his eyes.  At the same time, Laura returns to the reality.

The driver has reported that they have almost reached their destination.
Of course, the  bodyguards are nervous. Now, it is impossible to get this man out of that crowd.  The car slowly slows down. He suddenly opens her mouth.

Laura couldn't understand what he said and didn't ask either.

Chase did not return to speak. The gradually decelerating car finally stops.

The screams of the people are not unusual.  After taking a deep breath she waits to open the car door.

First, the bodyguard gets out of the car and then quickly turns around to open Chase's door.
Laura gets out of the car and immediately steps to the side.

People already know who it's behind. In the midst of the crowd a sweet pheromones mixes at the same time.
The screams of the people become louder and louder.


When she feels as if her eardrum has burst from a scream, he finally appears.

In the California sunlight, the man's blond hair shines brightly.
Yes , he straightens his back, he's a tall man, 6 feet 5 inches in high.

He was a man with slim body. The black coat naturally adheres to his skin.

He walks down the red carpet and looks around once.

At first glance, he looks tired and a watch is revealed that wraps around his wrist. The loud noise of pressing the security fences are heard everywhere as much as the screaming.

As Chase steps forward and takes five steps, one of the bodyguards fighting for stopping people is pushed.

6 feet 5 inches = 1.95 m


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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