Chapter 1 ; The Start of Something New

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Normal - Baekhyun's POV

Italic - Tiffany's POV

Bold - Luhan's POV


I walked out of the practice room, body full of sweat after the dance class. Today, Narin and Kaeun was not paying attention again. But this time, I decided to just leave them alone and let them talk about how their new boyfriends kissed them and attacked their tongues. How fast are children these days progressing. When I was that age, I even found my dad's kisses disgusting and perfectly avoided everyone of those kisses he tried to give me. I- My thoughts were cut off by the hand that was grabbing my wrist. Before I even get a chance to pull away, I was dragged into a dark, narrow alleyway. "What.. what do you want?" I tried to avoid his sloppy kiss, aiming for my lips. It reminded me of my dad and I. Damn, I was really skilled. "Didn't I make it clear enough?" he smirked before aiming for my lips again for the second time. I dodged well again. For the third time, he used one of his hands and forcefully made my head stay in place. This time, there was no way to avoid anymore. I screamed for help as he crashes his lips, filled with alcohol against mine. I bit on his tongue and he pulled away then glared at me. "I'm not interested! Go away!" I screamed at him. He shut me up with another sloppier kiss of his. I bit his lips again. Once again, he pulled away and glared at me. "No, go away! I said I'm not interested!" He was about to crash his lips onto mine once again when a loud voice could be heard.

"Stop before I call the police!"

The man finally went away after being threatened to be reported to the police by the young man. My legs gave up and went jelly after that. I was left, sitting on the floor, looking at the deep red mark around my wrist. "Are you ok?" he squatted down beside me as I rubbed my wrist. "Yes, my wrist just hurts a bit," I looked up at him. Wow, he sure is handsome. "Do you need me to bring you to the clinic?" he looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Nope, I'm fine," I stood up and finally got to look into his eyes. "Oh, sure. See you around then," he left after smiling at me.

I looked at him walk away then remembered that I should probably rush home and take a shower after all these. I stood up, hand against the wall for support and walked home slowly. I kept thinking of the young man as I walked home. He was such a good and kind person. If I ever see him again, I should probably treat him to something nice or ask for his name. He seems young though. Would he even want to be friends or talk to me? I'm aging day by day. I'm starting to get wrinkles on my forehead or around the ends of my eyes. I totally should take care of my skin. I'm getting uglier by the days. Damn that Narin and Kaeun. But why am I even thinking of meeting him again. The world is so big. Unless he lives near Street 99 too. He said to see me around though.. Well, we'll leave it to fate. I unlocked my door and took a step in. Home sweet home at last.


"Bye, unnie! I'll be back around 2 or 3 hours later!" I waved to Taeyeon unnie before I walked out of the café, heading towards the practice room. Some of my ballet students waved to me and greeted me as they walked past, heading to the practice room too. They seem as happy as I am. I smiled at Daeun. She is such a darling. She smiles throughout the whole ballet class including those hard times when everyone's frowning. She went to visit me once too when I called off classes last minute since I was down with flu. I turned my head towards the left and saw a boy with purple hair walk past. I put my hand on the boy's shoulder right away. I didn't want to miss the chance although I was only half sure that he was the guy from yesterday night.

He turned around. It was him. "Oh, hi!" he greeted me with a smile. "Um, thanks for helping me out yesterday. I thought that I should give something to you so I just wanted to tell you that there is a café I'm working in near the end of Street 99 called Comfort Area and if you go there and order drinks, there will be once where I'll treat you. You can bring your friends there too if you want," I smiled at him once I finished my long speech. He just nodded, still trying to take in the long string of information and told me he would probably visit it tomorrow after school with his friends. We then said goodbye. It's such a coincidence that I met him today. He probably lives in Street 99 after all. Upon reaching my practice room, I shrugged off all the questions and guesses then put down my bag. Work first.

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