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"Aye bandz! We need you Nigga!"keezy said as we all walked into the living room

"Wsp my nigga keezy back in da cut"bandz walked out dapping us up

"Damn man my niece went missing we need you to track her plate down or sum"he said and bandz nodded getting his laptop

"Y'all know her plate"

Everybody looked around and then stopped at me

"It's manic, wrote M. 4. N. 1. C. "I said

"Her name manic?"

"It's wat we call her"

"Oh I just met a shorty last night name manic" he said and my heart stopped nd everybody looked at him

"Wym? You saw manic"C4 asked

"Yea she called me her god and gave me her number told me call her anytime I needed something"he explained and I looked at him

She gave him her number? Oh she bein friendly? She don't even know this nigga he could've been a kidnapper.

"Chill psycho lookin all demonic and shit she not cheating on yu"Mari mushed my leg chuckling

"Oh manic yo shorty?" He asked I nodded

"Wat kinda car she drive"Mari asked

"Shid idk it was dark ass hell, but she dropped me off the inside was all black looked like a charger and it smelt like black ice"he said

She let this nigga in her car?do I gotta kill this nigga? He gotta be playing yo?but she do got black ice freshener.

I'm finna kill both of these niggas.

"Wait. I'm confused. Wat the fuck she doing all the way out here? Man I'm finna kill her dumb ass"Mari sighed rubbing his temple

"Knowing we got opps and shit"chop added

"Can yu tell me everything that went down like beginning to end please"keezy asked leaning back

"Ight so I was walking by the park just finished making my plays and she was sitting on the rail by the cliff she stood up and turned around to get back on the safe side and I ran up and grabbed her when I seen her foot boutta slip"

"So we started chopping it up and she was like oh you my god and shit cause I could've died just den so she gave me her number and I told her the time she was like oh shit I didn't even know my phone dead"

"So I joked and was like yo peoples must not care bout chu and she was like hell yea they prolly looking for my ahh right now so I told her to go home cause it was dark as shit and she was like she protected she straight or wtv"

"We made a few more jokey jokes and I asked her can she drop me off since my lil sister took my car nd she did"

They joked?oh this nigga wanna die?Fuck they laughing for? Wats funny?

"She tried to kill her self"shawn jolted up

"She said she wasn't but ion know man y'all prolly got to check on her mental state, she said her people gon dig her up nd kill her again if she ever tried that shit"he chuckled

"Aye she funny as shit,plus I'm her god or wtv so I might just ask for shit just to be around her"he said and I stood up walking out

I drove back to her house and knocked and she opened the door

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't tripping and it wasn't them pills

Damn she finna be mad asfk bout them pills

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