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I was sitting in psycho room on my phone everybody left and he was sleep he was supposed to get discharged today so I was gonna wait

I partly feel like he here because of me and I feel guilty for even letting shit like that go down

He just woke up from being in a coma and nobody came to visit him or at least when I was here

I've been here since he got out of surgery I would go him take a shower and eat then come back and sit in here

I sighed getting up I was finna go to chick-fil-a to get us some breakfast I just he tired of eating this hospital food


I woke up and looked around for somebody but nobody was here I sighed clicking the nurse button over and over

"Oh Mr. Richards your awake how's this visit treating you"she asked me and I just stared at her

"Oh water hold on"she walked over grabbing some water and a straw as I gulped it down

"She sat me up in bed as she checked my blood and stuff

"Ok Jacey if your blood pressure is good you'll be all set to go is that ok"she asked and I nodded

"Has anybody been here"I asked and she looked at me

"I'm yea quiet a few but a women had been mostly she stays all day and the males usually sit a little and talk then leave"she said taking my blood

I knew she was talking bout manic and nem but I wanted to know if my grandma had been here

"Ok thank you"I said sitting back as I rested my head watching TV

It was boring and nobody was here plus I didn't know where my phone was at and all I was doing was getting test ran on me

They had made me pee in a cup they drew my blood they did a covid test and everything

"Hi"one of the nurses said as she walked in

"I'm just gonna clean your wound"she said getting her self prepared as she washed her hands and stuff

"Can I?"she asked I nodded looking back at the TV

I felt her go over my scar with her fingers the she used an achohol wipe then some ointment wrapping it back up with a guise

"All done"she smiled and I looked at her and then back at the TV

I miss Maliyah

"Aye can you get the other lady for me"I asked and nodded walking away

"Hey Mr.Richards your test came back clean and your blood pressure is average do you need me to call someone for you"she asked walking in

"Yea call *her number* her name Maliyah"I said and she nodded walking out

"Fuck"I groaned in pain as I got up to put my clothes on


I picked up the food and went home really quick to feed my dog as I was leaving out the door and unknown number called me

"Hello"I asked as I walked to my car

"Hello is this Maliyah?"the lady asked


"Oh this is Marrin Memorial we were calling because Jacey Richards is being discharged and needs someone took pick him up so he gave us this number"she's sighed I made a u turn towards the hospital

"Ok I'm omw"I said hanging up and I sped there listening to music

I pulled up and they had him in a wheel chair making me chuckle a little

"Nigga looking like somebody grand daddy"I said to him as they helped him in

"Mmcht manic don't start"he said laughing as he sat down closing the door

I handed him his bag and he smiled

"Damn you care bout me"he said and I smacked my teeth

"Somewhat"I shrugged and his smile dropped

"Nigga bye cus I heard you was in dere every day til I woke up"he said making me smile a little

"Duhhh what kinda friend would I be if I wasn't there"I said as we pulled up to my house

"Damn I gotta help this big nigga out"I mumbled once I got out about to go in the house

I just unlocked the door and went and sat my stuff down the I went to his side to help him

"Thought you forgot about a nigga for a sec"he laughed and I smacked my teeth

"You gotta help me too I'm only so big"I said as he wrapped his arm round my neck limping to the house

I sat him down on the couch and handed him his stuff and smiled

"Thank you liyah"he said eating his food

"Childish"I shook my head sitting across from him as we watched SpongeBob then Shawn and everyone came in

"Hey bestiebae"Zion said sitting next to me and I smiled dapping him up

"Hey Zion"I laughed as he ate one of my hash browns

"Damn bestie you ain get me none"shawn asked sitting on my lap taking the box from me

"No nd getcho big ass off me you eat too much to be sitting on somebody"I said mugging the back of his head

"Nd I'll be wrong asf if I said yo skinny ass needa eat more cus you nun but bones"he said turning round

"I wouldn't be offended cus I know I ain dummy"I mushed his head making him fall off me as I turned back towards the TV

"Hey best"C4 said sitting next me pushing Zion out the way making Zion mug him

"Lucky I wanna go sit by my man"Zion mumbled scooting over to keezy

"Hey best"I said

"Oh wowww we go thru one lil thing and that's Watchu go do"shawn stood I front of us with tears in his eyes

"Shawn is you crying cus I called him best"I asked laughing

"Yes!you know yu my only best but you do me so wrong!"he said stomping up the stairs

"I can't wit him"Mari shook his head sparking up a blunt

"Damn nigga it only 8 in the morning fuck you on"chop asked

"I'm skressed leave me along for I pick up a cigarette"he said chop just sat back

I looked over at psycho who was already looking at him and I stared to see if he was gon look away but he didn't so I broke contact



1100 wrds!

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