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Hi! Thanks so much for choosing my book! So this is an AU that I made up and I'm kinda just gonna explain it real quick so please stick around if you plan on reading my book :).

1. Ok so first, zombies do not die from water. I just have too many things that involve water that I plan on putting in this book lol.

2. Next, zombies also don't dissolve from sunlight. I also have some stuff where Gonner, Isis, and maybe some other zombies need to be outside in daylight for.

3. It has been this takes place 3 years after mummy I'm a zombie and Dixie fell and hit her head and has dementia. She remembers everything else in the world except her trips with Gonner and Isis and nobody ever even knew she had hit her head in the first place.

4. The end of Mummy I'm a zombie never happened and Dixie never revealed that she is half zombie.

5. Zombies eat both zombie and human food

6. Gonner is Pansexual and Isis is bisexual

7. Gonners backstory and death are my theory of how he died and stuff and I'm taking his backstory from my other book "Gonners story" which is just my theory of what his backstory was since we didn't get much from the movies.

I hope I didn't change things too too much but I did them so they will fit the story. So, with that, enjoy. Also comment here if you have any questions.

My lassie (Gonner x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now