Hey Hotshot

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A/N: This chapter is a filler chapter, but it gets interesting. In my opinion anyway. So hello again to everyone, and enjoyyy

Peter's POV

The week dragged by. Soon it was Saturday, Y/n still hadn't heard from Arlo or his family. She didn't go back to school, and I don't blame her. I stayed off with her, even though she told me multiple times to go to school instead. I debated webbing over to where the break-in was, but it's a long journey, and Y/n was pretty upset, so I stayed with her instead.

We hung out at her place the whole week. Binge watching movies and TV shows, karaoke, video games, anything to take her mind off the current situation. She was handling it surprisingly well. Although sometimes I would catch her randomly zoning out, lost deep in her thoughts. 

Y/n's POV
His phone could've been stolen, or he would be so caught up in things that he didn't have time to respond. A number of things could've happened, it doesn't mean that Arlo's hurt. One other news article was printed, claiming there was only one critical injury. It didn't say who, but his whole family was in that house. 

Peter was so sweet about the situation, he took the week off school to keep me company, despite my many protests. I also received a numerous amount of comforting text messages from various people. Classmates, teachers, friends, Avengers. I kept myself busy to prevent the negative thoughts flooding my head. 

It was, I think,around 12.00pm, when Steve called. He was calling on behalf of all the Avengers, and wondering if I was ok. He invited me and Peter round and, desperate to get out of the house, we both gratefully accepted the invite. 

Just as we stepped outside the door, Peter instructed me to hold on to him. Theres no way he's gonna do what I think he is. He looks at me expectantly so I grab onto his waist.
"Hold on tight". His voice was ready, which only confirmed that what he was about to do. I tighten my grip just in time, as I feel my feet leave the ground a second after. Next thing I know we are flying through the city. Holy crap, the view from up here is crazy.

I recognize the street we are on, and enjoy the feeling of the rough wind rush through my hair. The cold air briefly stings my face, but it's only for a second, and I hardly notice it with the adrenaline rushing through me.

I eventually see the tower come into sight, and, while I'm also excited, can't help but feel a bit put out as we reach the ground.
"THAT WAS BLOODY AMAZING". The tone of my voice makes Peter smile.
"It's always an adrenaline rush, the feeling never gets old".

During all the excitement I had temporarily forgotten about Arlo, but the realization soon came trickling back. A look of worry that must've crossed my face, because Peter soon grabbed my hand and promptly lead me into the tower.  

I was immediately pulled forward by Wanda, who enveloped me in a hug. I hugged her back, and we stood there for a few minutes before I felt someone tugging me away. I turn around and look up to see the face of Natasha Romanoff, whose face was one of of worry. I felt myself slump into her embrace, and she just held me there. I could feel tears pricking my eyelids, but I held them back, determined not to cry in front of the Avengers. 

After everyone gave me a hug, even Bucky (because apparently, I'm cool enough), we spent the rest of the day just being in each others company. I was sitting on the couch with Natasha sitting beside me when I felt my phone vibrate. 

That little spark of hope still burning inside me, I open my phone. Arlo. I immediately sit up and open the message, only to find that, while it's been sent from Arlo's phone, the message wasn't from him.

Dumb Best Friend


Hi, sorry no ones texted you yet, a lot's
been going on. It's Lana, Arlo's sister,
we've met a few times before. Arlo got injured
 in the break-in, it happened to be directly into
his room. He's currently in critical care, they've
 only just allowed family to visit him, so you're
 welcome to come over. The doctors aren't sure
what's going to happen yet. He's been through

 a few surgeries already, with maybe more to

come, I'll send the address from my phone.
Lots of love,

I'm left staring at the message in shock. I can feel my eyes glistening over. Natasha notices and squeezes my hand to ask what's going on. Wordlessly, I just hand her my phone. She gives me yet another hug, and asks me if I want to go. I nod in answer, and she springs off the couch, leaving the room. Rude.

She walks in a few minutes later, I still haven't moved, and my bones are a tiny bit stiff.
"The quinjet's outside, bring who you like, I'll drive, and we can leave whenever you want". The offer causes me to look up, I can't believe she just organised that. 
"Can we leave now?"
"Sure, grab everything you need, I'll meet you at the back door".

I run into the labs, where I know I'll find Peter. He looks up as I come running through the doorway. 
"What's going on?"
"Arlo's in critical care, Natasha's taking me to visit him now, can you come?". He immediately runs over to me and gives me a hug. Damn, I've been getting a lot of those lately.
"Sure I can go".

We are ready and meet Natasha in less than five minutes. She leads us out back towards a funny looking plane. I dramatically walk in, as I've wanted to do for so long. The ride was about an hour, but it felt like three. 

When we land, Peter helps me out. I run over to the glass hospital doors, I can hear the two Aengers behind me. Lara, who I had texted to say I was on my way, was waiting just inside. As soon as I step inside she runs over to me. I give her a hug, something I had done too many times in one day. 

I can feel her shaky breath on my back. We sit down and she catches me up on everything that's happened. Arlo has undergone yet another surgery, and hasn't woken up yet. We wait a few hours, by which time I have gotten tired, probably due to the severe lack of sleep I've been getting this past week. 

Natasha sits on the seat next to me and I lean into her shoulder. I can feel myself drifting off an desperately try to keep my eyes open, but eventually sleep gets me. I wake to the feel of Natasha lightly shaking me awake. The nurse stands facing us.

"Arlo is awake, you can go and see him before some more mandatory testing". Lara and I practically run into his room. Walking in I can see one bed. On it is a dishevelled, tired-looking, clearly unwell, but definitely my Arlo.

"Hey Hotshot"

A/N: Yea, ok sorry about this, it had to be done. I love you all anyway :)

Remember to drink water, and eat your vegetables

Let me know any ideas, what you think, and as always, thanks for reading <3

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