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Wangfei duty (2)

After the episode with the concubine Lu Biyu didn't meet them again and it's now been over two weeks since then.

Every time those concubines send their maid servant he won't even see them and just let his personal maid, Xiaomi send them away with a bunch of excuses.

Also in these two weeks he and Longwei will do the deed every two days. That's the schedule he gave to Longwei because after a week of not touching each other when Longwei restrained himself because of the warning his nanny gave him.

When Longwei and Lu Biyu couldn't take it anymore they did it for three days straight.

Lu Biyu's body almost snapped into two because of Longwei vigorous thrusts. He laid the condition of every two days of riding the 'car'.

"Your Highness, this is the account book for this month. Your Highness also needs to check the monthly allowance that would be given to the concubine and also the servants salary for this month." Xiaomi said beside him. 

In these two weeks he also started his duty as a wangfei. He overlooked all the account books for the past year. He also got to know that the servants salary is not right and the concubine allowance is also not right.

The first concubine to the third concubine have a very big difference on their allowance while the fourth and fifth have the smallest allowance.

The first concubine has at least two months of allowance every month but the other concubine can only have one month allowance every month. Sometimes the other concubine couldn't even get the whole allowance for the month.

"Who is in charge of the concubine allowance in the past year?" Lu Biyu asked the maid that Longwei gave him.

"Replying to Wangfei, Concubine Ai Linfei is the one who is in charge of the concubine allowance." The maid said.

Lu Biyu looked at the account book again and said to Xiaomi who is beside him." Go, call the butler."

Xiaomi quickly retreated to call the butler.

"Wangfei, called for me?" The butler who just came in quickly said.

Lu Biyu looked at this old butler with a serious face. He has been really suspicious of this butler ever since he entered the prince's manor. The way he looked at him is really not good and with a hint of hostility.

He returned his sight to the account books and said." You will be in charge of the servants salary. I don't want to handle this kind of burden but I will be responsible for the concubine allowance. The three of you, do you know how to write?"

"Replying to Wangfei, this servant knows how to write."

"Replying to Wangfei, this servant knows how to write."

"Replying to Wangfei, this servant knows how to write."

The three of them replied to him and he nodded his head.

"Copy this and distribute it to the concubine. The amount of their allowance is written there." He said and he handed the paper." Copy it right in front of me." He added.

The Pampered Ger Wangfei (Trangsmigration) [BL]Where stories live. Discover now