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I m0aned weakly as he thru5t3d past my swollen lips. I couldn't hold myself up anymore. "W-wait." I say pausing his movements. "Let me switch positions-" I say.
I get off, ju!c3s having dripped from us as we parted. He m0aned and tw!tched. I twirl around and look down between me. I sat in reverse c0wg!rl and sank onto him completely. He yelled, placing his hands on the crease of h my h!ps and th!ghs. I laid the front of my body forward onto the bed and slammed back without warning. He gr!pped harder, leaving red hand m4rks on my creases. "Y/n-" he said shakily; ch0k!ng back him m0ans. "Just tell me when baby.." I say m0aning immediately after. I wh!mper as I p0unce back, having found my own g-sp0t. I sm4ck into the spot over and over again; making myself cry out in pleasure as I gripped the blanket harshly. My back arched as I spilled around his member- pouncing hard every few seconds to r!d3 myself out. "N-now-" he said. I pulled off and turned around, using my hand to j3rk him as he sh0t all over himself, crying my name as tears drooled from his face due to the overstimulation. With each ending tw!tch, he leaked more and more. I smiled and leaned down, taking him in wh0le. He yelled and grabbed my hair loosely; not guiding me with it at all. I cleaned him from bottom to top as he wh!mpered.

I lifted back up and grabbed his cheek making sure he was okay. I got off the bed as he sat there in euphoria. I shook a bit, but did my best to maintain my stamina- knowing damn well he wouldn't be able to..

I came back with a warm rag after cleaning myself up. He blinked at me slowly; obviously tired. "Mmm- did I tire you baby?" I said tilting my head and chuckling as I str4ddled him again. "Y/n don't-" he said putting his hand on my chest weakly. I lifted the rag and shook it a little. He put his hand down in realization & leaned his head back. I started from bottom to top- making him m0an my name; grabbing my wrist. I swirled around him, doing my best to be slow but efficient. "I'm sorry baby-" I say caressing his thigh, and continuing.

After cleaning up, I looked at the TV. "Do you want to finish?-" I ask. "If I can keep my eyes open..." he said sitting up. I reached over and grabbed the bag of Hot Cheetos, making him whip his head toward me. I chuckle and snuggle up against him in the original position we had begun with. He gr0aned- "m-move." He said reaching for the throw pillow. I start laughing as I lean forward; allowing him to place it comfortably as I open the bag of Cheetos. He rebooted and started the show back up and added- "Thank you for tonight y/n.." he said caressing my arm. I tilt my head back to him and he kissed my forehead. "Thank you for everything.." he said before shoving a Cheeto into his mouth, making me laugh.

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