chapter 4 Jill!

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(Julie's POV): ow I said as I fell I looked down to see Jake oh I'm so sorry I said quickly getting up and putting my hand out to help Jake up I pulled him up and we looked around trying to figure out where we were crystal was laughing at me and Jake I went over to her asked if she knew where we were she stopped laughing and looked around well by the looks of it were at school she said I stood and looked at my watch and figured out which story we were in guys let's go I know what we have to do I walked off not saying anything else.

(Crystals POV): Julie just walked off guys let's go I said running after Julie after we got up with her she led us to the school back entrance and pulled something out of her pocket it was a key she unlocked the door and opened wait how did you have that I asked she looked at me and said I can get whatever I want or need here this world bends to my will she said Hey nana are you alright? Asked Ad with a worried look Julie looked at her and said sorry I'm just really stressed out I have to make sure everyone stays safe hey I said you don't have to worry we are going to fix this together I said Julie smiled alright guys follow me and make sure to watch your step Julie said walking in this school after some walking we took a break.

(??? Pov): what was that I said looking around no response that's when I heard it I heard her laughing then darkness

(Ad's POV): what was that I said looking at a strange door what said Nana walking over to me yea it came for that door I said pointing at it her eyes widen she walked over to it and opened it and walked in me and the others followed close behind Nana looked around and then pulled out a flashlight from her backpack and turned it on and started walking crystal handed me my flashlight and we all started walking around after some time we heard a scream and saw Nana's flashlight go out we all ran to help her and what we saw was insane there was a little girl who's outfit and face were covered in blood with a sharp piece of glass at Nana's neck and Nana picking up her head away for it and in the corner was Ar tied up to a chair I tried walking to Ar but the girl seen me take one more step and she dies she said bring the glass closer to my sister's neck I stopped and moved back Nana was slowly breaking into tears.

(Julies POV): Jill listen to me I said Jill looked at me and said what I understand you're mad but- I was cut off by the glass shard being brought closer to my neck you don't understand why I'm mad you could never she said I was shaking at this point look I know you're not happy and your mad I know but that doesn't give you the right to take someone else's life just because you lost yours I know you're in pain but doing all this is not going to give you you're life back I said visibly shaking and crying you didn't deserve what happened to you but we don't deserve to suffer just because you did too I said trying to raise my neck from the glass again Jill was quiet what am I doing she said removing the glass away from my neck completely I dropped to the ground holding my throat trying to catch my breath I stood up to see Jill looking at her hands she dropped the glass she was crying I just looked at her and walked up to her and hugged her she flinched when I did but hugged back and continued to cry I'm sorry about what happened to you but doesn't mean you have to do this I said she looked at me and said I'm sorry tears falling down her cheek I smiled it's alright just please let us do what's right. Jill nodded I looked at Ad and said you can go untie her now.

(Ar's POV): I woke up and saw my sister Ar she was shaking I looked behind her and saw the others and then the girl who attacked me and Nana was hugging her?! I got up and said what's going on Nana looked at me and said we all got separated in my stories and we just found you and thankfully saved you too said Nana looking at her watch Jill I think you have something to say to my sister she added looking at the girl then she appeared in front of me and looked down at the ground I'm really sorry for hurting you she said it's okay I guess I said I then looked over to Nana what do you mean we all got separated I asked she looked up at me I was trying to fix something on my watch then accidentally opened five different portals to my stories she said then looked back down at her watch I stood there for a second wait so you're telling me Nessa and Kim are stuck in different horror stories you made! I yelled Nana put her hands to her ears yes she said putting her hands back down are you crazy they could get hurt! I yelled again Nana looked at me I didn't mean for this to happen she said back all because you wanted to ¨fix your watch¨ I said so you think I wanted this to happen you think I want to lose you guys you really think this is what I wanted I didn't what this to happen and all because of me we could lose Nessa and Kim forever and I know its all my falt I just want to fix it this is my mess and if I have to risk my life to save them then so be it you guys don't deserve to have to face theses stories head-on I do she yelled now crying I just stood there in shock the whole room became quiet I-I'm sorry for yelling I'm just mad at myself that I broke my promise said Nana wiping her face just don't do it again I said hugging her then we heard beeping Nana looked at her watch guys we found Nessa she said and opened a portal Crystal, Jake, and Zane went through goodbye Jill said Nana waving I looked at Ad and Ar you guys ready to save our sisters? I asked they looked at me and smiled always they said then we walked through

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