Never Let You Go

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Harry creeps out of Louis' downstairs guest bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar so Clifford can get out if he needs to. The massive fluff-ball hasn't left Tilly's side since Louis came to pick them up. Cliff had greeted them from the backseat of Louis' car, head hanging out of the window, and his doggy harness keeping him safely secured. He's currently on the bed, head resting on the pillow with Tilly's arms wrapped tightly around him, and both of them are sleeping peacefully.

Harry had sat Tilly down earlier in the day and discussed what was happening between him and Louis to make sure she was okay with it all. In typical Tilly fashion, she'd taken it in her stride, looking at Harry with a contemplative expression on her face before announcing that Louis would make an excellent pappa.

Harry had very nearly choked on his tongue.

Of course, Harry had then compounded the situation by having to explain what the sleeping arrangements would be while they were at Louis'; Tilly in the guest bedroom, most likely with Clifford, and Harry in Louis' room upstairs. Louis had bought a baby monitor so they could hear if she needed anything throughout the night, but Harry had fibbed a bit and said it would be for Clifford, not her. It wasn't actually that far from the truth though.

What Harry hadn't been prepared for was Tilly casually asking when they were moving into Louis' house. After Harry had regained his composure, he'd had to clarify that they were not, in fact, moving in with Louis, and that this was just a sleepover. Tilly had responded by scrunching her nose, shrugging her shoulder, and returning to her drawing which yet again depicted the three of them as a family with Clifford off to the side.

Perhaps Harry's concerns about things moving too fast with Louis had been misplaced and should've been focused not on Louis, but on his daughter.

Either way, it's hard to deny that the three of them make a lovely little harmonious team and the happiness Harry feels seeing Louis and Tilly together warms his heart in a way he had never imagined.

Louis had read Tilly five books before Harry had needed to step in and put a stop to it otherwise Louis would've likely been there all night. Much to Harry's relief, the room had been cleared of the excessive Peppa Pig paraphernalia that had previously filled the room, just a few plush toys remaining. Although Harry had given Louis a side-eye when he'd seen the small bookcase stocked with a very decent supply of popular children's books. But Harry really couldn't complain, particularly not when Louis had explained that some of the books were actually his own from when he was a child, the dog-eared pages and well-worn covers proof of that. It was really quite adorable listening to him discuss his favourites with Tilly as she came up with her selection of titles for him to read.

Dinner had been burgers, just as he and Louis had discussed, although they were nothing like any burger Harry had ever eaten; sumptuous meat patties, egg and bacon, beetroot, pineapple, salad, and crispy fried onions. He'd made a selection of root vegetable chips as well, including turnip, sweet potato, and regular potato, using special cutters to turn them into trees and stars and smiley faces that Tilly had adored.

For dessert Louis had tried his hand at macaroons in strawberry, blueberry, and mango flavours, which had left Harry in awe. If Tilly hadn't been there, he would've probably dropped to his knees right there in the kitchen and shown Louis his appreciation with a thank you blow job. But as it is, Harry is saving that for the adults only portion of the evening.

Harry heads upstairs to Louis' bedroom and the sight that is revealed before him confirms that it's definitely adult time.

Freezing in the doorway, he takes in the scene. The lights in the room are dimmed and there is soft music filtering out from speakers hidden somewhere in the walls. Louis is sitting up in bed and leaning against the headboard, chest bare, a large hardcover book resting in his lap and looking good enough to eat. But the thing that has Harry's a lump forming in his throat is what's perched on the end of Louis' nose. Glasses. Louis is wearing glasses. Glasses.

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