Chapter 2: A scary Ladybug

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He ran. As fast as he could. She threw her yoyo at him and tried to hit him, once, twice, multiple times. She'd throw the yoyo with such fury that the walls of the school and the floor would get damaged by the impact, and pretty badly.

"Come here, minou, minou . Let me take you to the vet so you can get NEUTERED!"

She must have seen a glimpse of him in the hiding place he had found behind a tree, because a sudden explosion made the tree disappear and exposed Chat Noir to the raging eyes of his Lady. He ran again, using his baton to propel himself and ending up on the rooftop of the school, but Ladybug followed him.

"Let me catch you, minou ! I'll skin you alive and stuff you with straw! You'll make a great decoration for my bedroom!"

She hit him again with the yoyo making him lose balance, and Chat Noir screamed as he propelled himself backwards and fell on the ground on his back. Ouch, the pain at his backside hit him like a slap to the face, but it was nothing compared to the knot in his insides when Ladybug reached him and grabbed him by the collar, bringing his face mere millimeters from hers. He gulped awkwardly at the sneer that disfigured her whole face, but he couldn't get himself to move, or do anything else, for the matter. He was totally at her mercy and thought for a second that he was going to die.

Well, dying by the hand of Ladybug was totally worth it. Right?

Suddenly, he saw something hitting Ladybug. It was a school bag — more precisely, Alya's schoolbag. At least he thought it was Alya's, based on the way the girl was standing a couple of metres from them and panting hard. He took advantage of the fact that Ladybug had moved her head to glare at the brunette and had slightly loosened the iron grip on his collar and he used his baton to propel himself up.

"You know, M'lady, of all the ways I had imagined to find out that you love me, being nearly killed by you during an akuma attack wasn't one!" He jumped on the next rooftop, his eyes not losing sight of his enraged partner, who now looked even more angry.

"How dare you!" she screamed. Chat Noir wasn't sure if she had said that to him or to Alya, but he decided it was the latter. At least, Ladybug growled and glared at Alya. "I hope you like Whiskas," she hissed. Alya paled. "Give me five minutes, I'll bring you some Chat-paté!"

She used her yoyo to follow him, and he started running some more, jumping around to duck the hits of her yoyo. Finally, after yet another hit of her yoyo that had made the chimney of one of the buildings they were running on fall, the cloud of debris and mortar that followed the hit was too strong and went into Ladybug's eyes, allowing Chat Noir to jump down from the rooftops and hide behind a bench in the park. The thought crossed his mind of releasing his transformation so that he wouldn't be anymore the target of his Lady. But a quick glance at the park in front of him changed his mind. He saw Wayhem and a few other of his fans, staggering around looking like zombies, a piece of paper (was that a photo of him?) in their hands.

"Adrieeeeeeen.... Where are you??" some of them muttered. He gulped awkwardly, the words of his detransformation dying in his throat.

"There's hundreds of them all over town. Never seen that many people wanting to kill one single boy," said Alya's voice from next to him, giving him a half heart attack. He was sure that his heart had been damaged by the sudden scare. He looked at his right and saw that Alya and Nino were hiding just beside him. He put a hand on his heart, suddenly even more relieved to not have detransformed. Otherwise now he would have had a hell of a lot more problems at hand, AND his Lady would have been mad at him even after the akuma was dealt with.

"How am I going to purify the akuma with Ladybug out of the question?" he asked himself, not realising that he was saying it out loud.

"You kiss her," said Nino, causing him to jump out of his skin. He what ? He gave Nino a terrified look and his friend continued, "Ladybug, I mean, not he akuma. If you manage to get close enough to her without being skinned. Dude, Alya was bad with me, but bloody hell, Ladybug is on a mission to cut you into tiny pieces and eat you for dinner."

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