Chapter 3: Memories

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When Adrien jumped inside the boys' washroom at Collège Françoise Dupont, he still had an entire minute to spare. He sighed, hid himself in one of the cubicles and released his transformation, catching Plagg in his cupped hands. He twirled around, gave Plagg a small kiss on the top of his head, right between his ears, and let himself fall sitting on the toilet seat. He leaned his back against the cold tiles on the wall, letting out a little sigh as he closed his eyes happily.

"She loves me," he told Plagg. "Can you believe that after over a year she finally loves me?"

He felt Plagg picking up his cheese from the pocket of his shirt. The distinctive stench of Camembert reached his nostrils, telling him that Plagg was now floating near his face.

"Right," muttered his black friend, his mouth full of cheese. "I thought you were over her and that you had a ring and a card in your bag for Pigtails."

At that, Adrien opened his eyes wide. Bugger! In his euphoria that Ladybug had finally shown that she would reciprocate his feelings, he had completely forgotten about his decision. His shoulders drooped and his lips curled into a pout.

"You're right, Plagg. I'm a mess." He sighed. "I don't deserve a girl as wonderful and fantastic as Marinette. Maybe I should forget this whole thing and desist from talking to her."

Plagg ate the last crumble of Camembert and put a paw to his forehead, shaking his head with a massive frown. "I refuse to believe this!" he shouted. "After MONTHS of you pining after Marinette, and trying to find the best present for her, and trying to find the best picture for that bloody card of yours, and telling me day and night how wonderful, how fantastic, how extraordinary Marinette is, how blind you had been to not notice that you liked her sooner. After the tears of joy you cried when Nino told you that she had broken up with Guitar-boy... AFTER I HAD TO ENDURE ALL THAT YOU'RE NOW SAYING THAT YOU WON'T CONFESS?"

"I don't deserve her, Plagg! She's such a wonderful girl, and I'm here just being swept off my feet only because I have a sniff that Ladybug may actually like me. She doesn't deserve to be a second choice!"

"Ladybug has given you hints other times, but she never followed through. For example, when you faced that Oblivio akuma. And so many other times. You may not have seen it, but I have. The looks she was giving you when you were flirting with Rena and Ryuuko—"

"I wasn't flirting with Rena and Ryu—"

" Paw- lease. Lie to someone else. I was there." Plagg flew up to his forehead and slapped it.

"And I haven't seen her giving me any looks!"

Plagg snorted. "Because you didn't notice, gamin . She was. And the time you didn't 'pound it' to bring Kagami home. She was devastated!"

"What are you talking about? I've never not 'pounded it' with M'Lady!"

Plagg facepalmed. "Sure you did, Adrien. Right. Does Onichan remind you of anything?"

Adrien closed his eyes and put a hand to his forehead to concentrate. The migraine that was starting to seep through his head didn't help, but he went through his memory of the time Kagami changed into Onichan. He was certain that—

"Oh shoot. You're right. I didn't 'pound it' that day."

Plagg smirked. "Yeah. I'm always right, gamin ."

Adrien shook his head and put a hand on his forehead, That migraine was getting stronger. Maybe he should go to the nurse and ask for a pain killer.

"You know what, Plagg? You ARE right. I can't keep putting my life on hold for Ladybug."

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