Chapter 7

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A hunter with a longsword was the first to reliably stay on the back of a wingdrake. The creatures had grown used to people feeding them, stroking them, and placing things on them, so when the time came it was easy enough to hook the chain to the underside of the harness and keep the wingdrakes tethered. When the Admiral first hopped on one, the beast panicked and thrashed about in the air, but it had flown with him on its back. He landed with a thud and abounding laughter while the creature shrieked above him.

In the hubbub of it all, the Commander was surprised to spot the Quartermaster, as unlike the Seeker who appeared indifferent to racket, the Quartermaster had always avoided it. Slapping shoulders as he went, the Commander made his way to the relatively reclusive man.

"Quartermaster!" His voice was bright and loud. "Come to join the ranks of those who would ride?"

"I might," the man said while still watching those trying to climb on the beasts' backs. "But I would rather not end up in a brace and crutches again. I think I will let everyone else hurt themselves, and when a method is found, I will join in."

"I hate to agree with that hesitation, but we can't have both the Admiral and myself injured at the same time. Still..." The Commander looked on wistfully. "I wish I'd gone before him."

"I would rather you weren't hurt, but... it seems to me that the Admiral is just fine."

"No," The Commander shook his head. "See how he's holding his weight to his right? Something is wrong with his hip. He hit it hard when he came down, but he wants to show off and put on a display to get the rest of the hunters eager to try. He'll stay out for as long as he can, but you'll find him in the infirmary later."

"I envy him." There was an odd sort of sorrow in the Quartermaster's voice, and when the Commander simply looked at him without responding, he continued. "I both envy his carefree attitude and his friendships. I have never had someone who could read me so well as to tell when I am actively hiding pain."

"What about the Seeker?"

"I do not hide my pain or my feelings. Here with you now, I am as open as I can possibly be. In the mornings you join us, I am open."

"If I ask you something, will you answer it honestly?"

"I will, but depending on the question, I may not be so open."

"Are you happy here?"

"Here with you watching this? Or here in Astera and the new world?" A thin smile teased at the Quartermaster's lips. "Because I am happy. I enjoy your company, your sunshine and warmth, your energy, your thoughts."

"I appreciate how calm you are," the Commander blurted. "Everyone here, myself included, seems so hotblooded. Everything is go, go, go. No one stops to breathe except to sleep and cheer. But you always offer breathing space. A calm morning to think or nurse a hangover." He stopped when he noticed the Quartermaster looking at him from the corner of his eye.

"Your company is welcome any time of day, Commander. Not just the morning."

The event ended with several hunters and the Admiral limping off to the infirmary while others showered the wingdrakes in picked fruits. The Commander did not see the Quartermaster for the rest of the day but sought him out that evening.

He felt a strange twinge in his heart when he first heard the Seeker's voice then saw the Quartermaster relaxed in a chair with his feet kicked up on the table. Whatever they said was quickly lost, as the Seeker stood the moment he saw the Commander.

"I bid you both goodnight," he said before all but darting out the door. The Quartermaster seemed confused at first, but nodded when he saw the Commander.

"Come to take me up on the offer of company so soon?" He gestured towards the vacated chair. "I wasn't expecting you already. Neither was he. I think you startled him."

"I can leave if--"

"No." The Quartermaster gestured to the chair again. "He's already gone, and as I said, your company is always welcome."

"So..." The Commander felt as though he'd intruded, and as such he felt that he was at a loss for words, but he needed conversation. "Are you two close?"

"How would you qualify closeness?" The Quartermaster looked over at him, but this time he had no tea or drink to offer. "We enjoy each other's company and seek each other out. I do not feel the need to pretend I am someone I am not, but nor do we know much about each other directly. I could not tell you where he was born, but I can tell you how he likes his tea. He could not tell you any of my history, but I have no doubt he has picked up on many more subtle things about me."

"Are you friends? Maybe... something else?" Romantic, he didn't add.

"I don't know. So I suppose we are not. Are you and I friends, Commander? I suspect not if even in a private setting, I still use your title rather than your name."

"████████." The Commander said the man's name for the first time since learning it. The act seemed to startle both of them. "I want to consider you among my friends. So please, while we're in private, call me by mine. Call me ████."

The Quartermaster sat with his hands folded neatly on the table. His posture had stiffened, and his face had become unreadable.

"Unless you would prefer distance and titles," the Commander slowly began. "I can accommodate that." He couldn't hide the disappointment in his voice.

"No, ████. I would prefer to use our names."

The Commander felt a form in his throat. He felt as though he'd crossed some sort of threshold, and he wanted to go barreling forward, but he didn't know where it was taking him. 

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