3. A soothsayer

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3                     A soothsayer

My therapy session with Amy 'd been hell. The experiences with my ex-boyfriend had been traumatizing to say the least, and I had certainly not wanted to relive them. She'd promised me to never tell anyone else about the biting thing and didn't even write it down. She speculated that maybe we'd formed some kind of connection through those ugly habits too and that that was the reason I'd had dreams about him right before he tried to invade my life again. Then again, she'd mentioned it could just be a coincidence too.

It was around three thirty am when I walked towards the bar in my usual clothing. I wore a coat above it to not draw too much attention on the streets, but the shoes would inevitably do that anyway. I went to a familiar taxi rankto wait for a taxi who could drive me there. As I stood there, a strange person walked by me.

A first sight, it seemed to be an old woman. She walked hunched over with a cape over her head. She could walk straight out of 'the hunchback of Notre dame'. She was that mysterious. God only knows why she drew my attention. Maybe it was because she was one of the only people on the street at this ungodly hour of the night, but then again, it could also be because of what happened next. She traced back her steps after passing me and then stepped in front of me. I looked up at her, confused and a little tired of the long day/night I'd had. She pushed of her cape and I was surprised to see a girl who was easily a couple of years younger than me.

Her eyes were such a light blue it nearly scared the crap of me. She looked human, but the oddness of her eyes and actions made me wonder what creature she could be. Her hair was brown, her nose was cute, her cheeks a bit rosy from the chilly wind that controlled the night. It wasn't that cold yet, but in this season the nights could be cool. She cocked her head to the side.

"You look very troubled." She remarked. The way she made a point of making eye contact made me a little uncomfortable, but I would never admit it and just stared right back at her.

"You shouldn't be walking the streets alone so late at night." I replied.

"Neither should you." She innocently threw back at me. An easy smile appeared on her face and she wobbled back and forth on her feet.

My fingers automatically slid over the hilt of my knife. "I know how to protect myself." I assured her. Ninety-five percent of humans were no problem to defeat once you'd been trained to take down vampires. 

"I see that." She said, again with an innocent and rather high, child-like voice. Her hair was tucked behind her ears. She glanced at my wrists as if she could look right through them and see the blades. I wanted to tell her to leave me alone, but couldn't think of a kind way to do so. Standing in silence across from her was awkward and I had half a mind to just make up an excuse and walk away, but I really needed a taxi.

"You should go home." I tried again. "Because you don't look like you can protect yourself." I added in a most probably failed attempt to shoo her away. She smiled again. It looked so easy on her and it started to infuriate me.

"You should go home too." She advised me, but who was she to give me any advice? "You already have too much to deal with. You might not want something extra on your plate." She bounced around from one foot to another and now she truly annoyed me.

"What makes you think you know shit about me?" I asked her – I shouldn't curse in front of a minor – while I subconsciously made sure my coat was buttoned up. She caught the movement and I quickly dropped my hands.

She shrugged. "There's no reason, really. I just saw you and felt like you deserved a warning." At the beginning of the street, a taxi finally arrived. I took a deep breath. Only half a minute left to deal with this lunatic, though I had to admit she made me more curious than anything.

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