Is love real?

15 1 5

january 21, monday


I woke up in the morning feeling horrible. Yesterday I broke up with Leo.....

I think I was really selfish, he probably was going trought a hard time too but dating him felt like a rollercoaster.....a really fast one.... now that I think like this, our relationship only started developing last week and it already ended. Mabye we just weren't meant to be.... I wasn't meant to be with this amazing human being... and that just made me sad. When I looked at the clock I saw that I was late for school so I got dressed, said goodbye to my mom and went to school.

I got there a bit exausted because I runned all the way to school... and I....


I saw him talking to one of our friends, daisy.

Damn, I didn't even think of anything to tell him. I mean, why would I? I broke up with him... right? I did.....

I looked at him but he was already looking at me and we crossed eyes for some seconds. Those seconds were enough. Enough to realise that he was the only one I wanted to be with. He was the one. I'm going to talk to him. I start walking on his direction.


I'll talk to him...... after class.

But I didn't. I said that to myself a lot of times but then I realised that the school day was over and then suddently I was walking home.

Lost a great chance... but mabye he is mad about me breaking up.... or mabye he wants some time..... or even worse: he doesn't like me anymore. Omg, just the thought that he doesn't care about me anymore breaks my heart but..... mabye its truth, I mean, he didn't come to talk to me.

That possibility... that I had lost leo.....haunted me the whole day.

january 22, tuesday

I woke up and went to school the next day. Honestly I didn't even want to go but what was I going to say?! Hey mom my heart is broken can I skip school today?

I gained courage and went to school, the possibility of going to talk to leo was still in my head but mabye he was better without me....and that sucks

I spent the whole morning thinking about what I whould say to him .... if we even talked:

"Hey I am sorry I was an idiot I still love you..."- I mean it wasn't a lie....I was sorry.....I was an idiot....and.....I loved him.....

I was about to give up but when I saw him by the gate, before going home.... I just went to talk to him

"Hey.... I ....I'm really sorry for what I told you"- I aproached

"Oh hey....its ok... I guess. I can't blame you for ot liking me"

"I never said that... because thats not true. I was just tired. Tired of hiding. But mabye we could try and solve things."

"No... I like you too but that would be selfish, and believe me, I was a selfish person but Iam trying to be better. I dont wanna do anything that hurts you."- he said, finishing our conversation

And with those caring but hurtful words I went home.

I procrastinated all the afternoon until.... I saw an unexpected text in my screen:

Hey Dani, Lets meet at the park, I know I said it was better not to try to fix things but there i something I want to tell you. Please be there at arround 3pm


Ohh gosshh, he wants to meet at the park! I started dancing but when I read the text again it made me think if what he wanted to say was good or bad but well.... guess ill have to wait to see.

I picked an outfit: baggy jeans with a t-shirt and a flanel shirt and sat in the living room counting the minutes to see him. When I looked at the clock it was a quarter to 3 so I left

"Hey Leo"- I said, as soon as I got there

"Oh, hey"- he answered. He looked so handsome. he had a smile in his face like I had never seen before, that means it was a good thing....right?!

"Dani, I told my father."

"WHAT!? Ur kidding right"-I said, amazed about what I just heard, not sure it was true yet.

"Yes! He actually accepted it pretty well. He didn't kick me out or anything, just sent me to a therapist saying it was just a fase."

I laughed and hugged him. I also had to pinch me to make sure I wasn't dreaming but It was real, and I couldn't be happier about it.

After a couple more minutes, we were laying in the grass, with a towel underneath us. It was a great feeling because after all this time we were finally free, and more important... we were toghether.

"How do you feel"- he asked, staring at me with those big romantic eyes.

"I feel... amazing"- I answered, with all my heart -"It feels amazing to be with you again"

"It does."

And then we kissed, with all the love that we had inside us.... and I really missed his soft lips.

We stared at eachother for a couple more of minutes and I got lost in his eyes. In the heat of the moment I said something mabye a bit soon, but I didn't regret it:

"I love you"- when I noticed what I said I got scared, afraid that he didn't feel the same way.

"I love you too"- he answered, and so we stayed there. Staring at eachother and just enjoying the moment.


And so the story of Leo and Dani ends

It was a really quick story because I was afraid you guys whould get bored.

Again, sorry for all the delays on posting the chapters....

Idk how to "write" that the story is complete, i'll try and look for it but if you guys know pls say something.

If you got to the end of this story thank you so much for reading and I hope you liked it <3

Ps: this story may or may not be inspired in two of my classmates.....

Have a great day

-Your author.

word count: exactly 1000

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