Part 1

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(Part 1 is very information heavy, and is in no way testament to how the story will progress!)

Ever since the Great Orc Kingdom was founded, by the unification of the varying orc tribes, Ore had been the elected king. For over five hundred years, a proper recording system was issued, keeping in record the history of the orcs in full detail. Some tribes had their own systems in place, and were eager to transfer knowledge, while others had no recorded history besides spoken legends. Studying the records, and legends, one could easily discern that trade only existed amongst the orcs, never with outsiders. The first sixty years of the kingdom's existence were used to solidify the connections between the tribes, as well as the creation of some bigger towns, basic infrastructure, as well as preparation for bigger things.

Tribes that knew farming better than hunting joined forces in one of the newly formed towns, sending their young adult orcs to populate it, and combine their knowledge for better farming. Hunting and foraging expert tribes followed suit, creating a hub in that town for hunters, as well as orcs versed in the art of preparation for the hunts, as well as treatment of the hunted game, to be transferred all over the island kingdom. Then fishing tribes got together, which also invited the best blacksmiths, to help them create seafaring vessels at a better rate. Leatherworking and smithing were always needed, creating the necessity for a bigger hub, to accommodate both living, and work spaces. Thus, the capital was born, from the hard work, sweat, blood, and tears of the orcs that truly believed in the new era.

Every step of the way, Ore was there, advising, and helping. Despite his title, he didn't act like a king. Most days he was working, cutting lumber, building houses, hunting, cooking. Of course some of his fellow orcs, both the youngin's and the elders, wanted to bow to him, show respect, but he would stop them. "I am like you, an orc. There will come a time where I'll be more, but now is not that time. It's time for actions, for work." he would say to them, cupping their faces softly. Though, sometimes, he would return to his hut, or tent, late at night, fully exhausted, to find a fellow orc, waiting for him. Carnal urges were always there, for all orcs, and he could never deny a beefy ass, and a man on his knees. As to why the orcs found their way to his bed, it was simple: they desired him, and it was their nature to be so sexual.

The land of the orcs was a peculiar piece of land, with strangeness written all over it. Created via magic from the same being who created the orcs, also via magic, it was host to a plethora of fauna and flora. The most common animals someone would see were: wolves, but twice the size of a normal wolf; bears, also larger than their normal counterparts; moose, they too, were massive; horses, especially larger than their normal counterparts, as they had to be strong enough to carry an adult orc, with his equipment; and various, smaller critters that were also hunted for food. As far as Ore could remember, as he, by now, had access to memories from previous lifetimes, the creatures had evolved, changed, slightly, but typically, they were very close to their initial creation.

The flora of the island isn't as diverse as other areas of that world, mostly due to the location of the island and the climate. The climate features low temperatures, around eight months of winter, and the rest being a mixture of spring and fall. Snowfalls, snowstorms, snow thunderstorms, general cloudiness, as well as strong winds are the constant in winter days, with sunshine being extremely rare. During the other seasons, sunshine prevails, with sparse cloudiness, and sometimes, light snowfall, due to the general low atmospheric temperature. Bruce, pine, birch, and aspen trees make up the majority of the island's forests, with berry bushes, flowers, and wild vegetables filling up the empty areas. Mushrooms populate the dark, dank spots of the forests, though they aren't plantlife. All the vegetable species, nearly all the berries, and mushrooms, are edible, with the inedible, poisonous species having been identified long ago.

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