"I'll take the strawberry soda, please." *gasp*

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(Beatrice's POV)

Last night was absolutely wonderful. I'm still shaking from the feeling of it all.

I peered over my husband, looking at the clock.

8:00 am. Perfect.

I creeped out of our bed, finding it adorable how the two of them managed to snuggle close to eachother.

I grabbed a pretty dress, slipping it over my body. I looked in the mirror, imagining my two boys on either side with a baby in my arms. The image was perfection.

I finished getting ready and wrote a note for them to read.

Headed to brunch with friends, I'll be back after noon! I love you two ♡


I looked at the clock again, seeing it nearing 9:15 am. I grabbed the keys and headed out to the car, enjoying the crisp breeze of the morning air. I headed to the cafe to see Geneveve.

It was about 10:15 when I got to the city, which was perfect. I headed in to the quaint cafe, loving how cute it is. I saw Geneveve's black hair peeking out from her hat. She was seated in a booth by a window, giving a view of the passerbys. I sat down in the seat opposite of her.

"Well?" Geneveve asked, a smile creeping on to her face.

"I'm pregnant." I smiled wildly.

"Oh my gosh, I knew it! Oh, can I be the godmother? I want a little one to spoil!" Her thick southern accent slipped into her voice as she got more and more excited.

"Of course, Geneveve," I handed her a tissue.

"Oh I'm sorry darlin, I'm just so excited for ya," she cried, dabbing at her tears. "I have news for you as well."

"What is it, Gen?"

"I found a cute lil house in the city, selling for a low price. I went and looked at it and thought it was just the cutest darn thing! It's spacious, but not too huge. I'm planning on moving here!" She said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, Gen, that's amazing! But, what about Will?" I asked.

"Oh he won't mind darlin, he's been given a private jet for his work, so any distance isn't bad. Plus, it's just a few states away from the capital."

I smiled. "Thats amazing, Gen. It's gonna be wonderful having you here. You'll be able to watch the little one grow up."

"I know!! It's so exciting. I'll just be a little over an hour away, so if you ever need help, just give me a ring!" She beamed.

We ate our food, laughing and talking about the past and how life has been. I hadn't mentioned John living with us - I thought Geneveve wouldn't like it.

I left around 12:30 pm and headed home.

Life was amazing. I had my two boys, and my best friend lives so much closer now. What could go wrong?

*dramatic time change*

Weeks flew by, and my baby bump began to grow. I was about fourteen weeks along.

"I think we should get a paternity test now," Dan suggested. I agreed.

John drove us to the doctors. I felt a little dizzy, so I was in a wheelchair incase anything happened. It was adorable how protective of me they were. We checked in and waited in the lobby.

"Beatrice?" The nurse called. Dan wheeled me into the room while John followed.

"So, we are here for an ultrasound and a paternity test?" The doctor asked us.

"Yes, we would like to not know the gender, though. We are planning on doing a gender reveal." John said.

"Alrighty, let's get the blood work started." The doctor poked me with a needle, drawing some blood.

A few minutes pass by, and the doctor returns looking confused.

"We have your results, and..."

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