Chapter 3

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Nicola Heights

5 February

I skipped work yesterday for a chance to rest my leg.

It turns out that it's not only when I'm on a date that Colwen doesn't get tired of calling me.

Although Colwen insisted otherwise, my leg felt a lot better today, so I felt ready to return to work.

I woke up to the sound of Colwen making breakfast.
We had house help but Colwen preferred to do the things he could for himself.

He was extremely happy, as he hummed to himself.

He dished some eggs and bacon into our plates. He then poured some orange juice for the two of us.

I just stared at him, wondering what he was happy about. Just then, his phone rang.

"Erin!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes as I started with my breakfast.

It was my mother, she always called him whenever she wanted to get information about me.

Colwen was the son she would have loved to have instead of me.

Both our parents were friends since childhood, we were just automatically pulled into their friendship.

Colwen set his phone on the table and placed it on loudspeaker, whenever Colwen and I argued he called my mom so they could both gang up on me.

"How are the two of you doing?" My mom asked.

"We are doing well, Nicole is right here," Colwen spoke.

No matter how many times I insisted, Colwen at times called me Nicole instead of Nicola. Maybe because while we were kids, he insisted that my parents made a mistake that my name was Nicole and not Nicola. Now he just did it to annoy me.

"Hi mom," I said trying to chew.

"Hi darling, you have been avoiding my calls." Mom said.
"Don't tell me you are still with that good-for-nothing boyfriend of yours."


"They broke up a while ago. You should see the loser she brought home a few days ago. You would have chased him away with a cold bucket of water." Colwen interrupted me.

'Way to rat a person out' I wanted to say.

"My daughter is so lucky to have you. I can't believe how one person could have such bad taste." She spoke. "Anyways, I was just calling to say how much your father and I miss the two of you." She continued.

"When are you coming back?" I asked.

"In about three months," She answered.

My parents were out touring the world, right now they were in the Caribbeans. They insisted that they worked extremely hard and that they wanted to enjoy all their money before they were placed at an old age home.

"'We are just about to have dinner at a place near The Eiffel tower. Next week we will be in Rome. " Mom said.

My bad, they were in Paris now.

"I love you two my sweets, bye." She spoke.

She didn't wait for us to respond before hanging up.

"I need to travel more," I said.

"Maybe we could also go to Paris soon. We just need to sign a few clients and we'll be free," Colwen said.

We ate the rest of our breakfast in silence.

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