little jay's birthday (#2)

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[Place: Jay's house - Time 4:40pm] 

It was finally little Jay's birthday, his party will start on 5:00pm and his classes ended an hour ago. His house was filled with balloons, a tarpaulin that has a picture of little Jay and a greeting beside it that says "Happy 10th birthday Jay", some food on the table which has of course a birthday cake, noodle dishes, corndogs, pizza, seaweed soup and other foods. Jay already finished his assignments so he just sat on his bed watching YouTube and playing mobile games while waiting for the guests to arrive. After 20 minutes of watching, his 5 cousins, Jake, Jungwon, and some of his classmates has arrived at his house. 

 "Happy birthday Jay!" One of his boy cousin greeted him while handing him a gift. 

"Thank you" Jay thanked his cousin. 

After all of his cousins, classmates and Jake greeted him a Happy birthday and giving him gifts and birthday letters, it was Jungwon's turn to give Jay his gift. 

 "Hi Jay hyung :D happy birthday" Jungwon said handing him a small box and giving him a warm smile. 

 "Thank you so much Jungwon!" I wonder what's in this box" Jay said while shaking the gift a few times. 

"You'll know soon🤗" Jungwon chuckled a bit. 

 After 3 hours of playing games, eating food, and swimming in the pool, most of the guests already left the house. The only ones that were left are Jungwon, Jake and 4 of his classmate. Since some of the teachers are sick and others went on a break, there's no school for them on Friday. They decided to play hide and seek and Jake was chosen "It". They played for a few minutes until Jay's friends had to leave since it was getting late. But only little Jungwon stayed because his parents hasn't picked him up. 

"Jungwon, your mom called. She said that she will come home late as well as your dad so she told me you could sleep here." Mrs. Park told Jungwon on what his mom told her. 

"Oh okay Mrs. Park :))" Jungwon gave a small smile and then looked at Jay. 

"I can't believe you that can sleepover here in my house tonight!" Jay said with excitement. He was jumping up and down on the couch. 

"Same!! :DD" Jungwon said with a big smile. 

"Jay-ah, don't jump on the couch." Mr. Park told Jay while fixing the messy table. 

"Oh right! Sorry dad. Well, let me show you to my room. Follow me." Jay starts to walk towards to his room while Jungwon is following him. 

Jay's room was big. It has a large bed enough for 3 people to sleep in, His toy collection on his right side while the bathroom on his left, a tall bookshelf with different kinds of books to read, his cabinet, a wide playmat in the middle of his room and a TV above the door. 

"Wow! It's so big in here." Jungwon was shocked on how huge and tidy the room is. 

"Since my bed can fit 3 people in it, we can sleep together :DD" Jay showed a delighted smile. Jungwon smiled back at Jay. It was his first sleepover with a close friend. After when they watched cartoons, playing with Jay's toys and read a few books, both fell asleep. Jungwon had to leave early the next day so he greeted Jay a goodbye.

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