castle outings

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February 14, 1939 - Valentine's Day, Tuesday

Mary sighed as Minerva and Susana shrieked and laughed and ran circles around her. She loved the two girls, no question about it, but she missed Bert, especially on Valentine's Day. She always had second Tuesdays off, but the girls' father had been traveling and couldn't possibly get back until Friday, and their poor mother had passed away six month ago, a month before the wind had brought Mary to the home.

She didn't hesitate in the slightest to forgo her day off and take care of the girls. But she hadn't seen Bert in a month, since the previous second Tuesday. Brushing her skirt, she decided to do something about it.

Minerva was chasing her sister when Mary's voice rang out clearly. "Minerva, Susana, get your coats. We're going on an outing."

"Yay!" Susana cheered, and the girls quickly rushed to grab their coats.

"Where are we going?" Minerva asked as she placed her hat atop her head and fastened her coat.

"I hope it's a castle," Susana said brightly.

"We're going to the park," Mary said.

Minerva caught Susana's gaze and they both giggled. "Will Bert be there?" She asked slyly.

Mary flushed so quickly Minerva's sharp eyes barely caught it. The two girls dissolved into peals of laughter.

"Yes, but I'll be happy to arrange other entertainment for our outing if you two continue to act this way," Mary's eyes narrowed, casting a sharp glance at the sisters. Susana squirmed under her gaze.

Mary hummed in satisfaction and helped arrange Susana's hat on her head, and they were off.

Sure enough, Bert was at the park, finishing one of his chalk drawings. It was a magnificent castle perched on top of a hill, and Susana crooned. "May we go, Mary Poppins, may we go?" She asked excitedly.

"I don't see why not," Bert answered brightly, earning a slight glare from Mary Poppins, but she quickly caved.

Usually it took her much longer to agree to go on a jolly holiday, and Minerva wondered if the fact that she hadn't seen Bert in a while had anything to do with it. Minerva narrowed her eyes at them, noticing the way Bert couldn't stop staring at Mary. Oh, their plan had to work this time! They were perfect for each other.

Minerva looked at her sister pointedly, and she nodded secretly.

"Do you work every day, Bert?" Susana quipped innocently.

"Usually," he answered with a grin. "Although not second Tuesdays."

Minerva gasped quietly and pulled her sister aside.

"Susy, do you know what this means?" She whispered, making sure Bert and Mary weren't listening. Bert seemed to be telling Mary a joke, and she laughed musically. It still seemed strange to see her with Bert; she was like a completely different person. Even more proof they needed to get together! And Minerva and Susana would do anything to accomplish it.

"What does it mean?" Susana whispered back.

"Bert doesn't work on second Tuesdays!" She said excitedly.

"Yes, he just told us that, Minnie, didn't you hear?"

"Yes of course I heard," she rolled her eyes. "But think about it! If neither of them work on second Tuesdays, they probably always spend their days off together!"

Susana's eyes widened in realization. "You're right!" She gasped.

Minerva sighed dreamily. "How romantic. Although, how they manage to spend so much time together and still not confess their feelings to each other, I'll never know."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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