Defying the form of any cookie cutter,
Her form, her words, her actions,
Defined soley by her and no other could compare.
With hope, you'd find one to compare,
But never a doppelganger,
Not in looks nor aire,
The grace possesed,
When oppertunity provides,
She is well spoken, but bold
She is witty and snide,
In comments both formal and casual,
Winning hearts of many,
With skill of the tongue and mind,
Beneath this she is laid bare,
Her heart and mind divine.Through matters of the heart,
Perhaps she is rocky,
Unsure at times, but with great intent,
Diligent to learn and grow and mend,
To me, she seems earnest
To me she feels real
Genuine, honest
True to her deepest feels ;)
Although gravel may fall in our wake,
I hope my hand she is willing to take,
She is beyond words,
My pure adoration in motion,
A feeling beyond pronunciation.In her existence lies hope and peace,
When her face graces my eyes I am assured,
Any moment I exist knowing she breathes,
Is a bliss beyond my wildest dreams,
Her smile worth more than gold,
Her words sweeter than honey,
The eyes of the woman I adore most of all,
To fall upon me would be lovely.💕

To My Girl
PoetryA freeform valentines day poem. Sadly I've never been great with poetry, but I hope that this gets across my rushed, but flowy very gay feelings clearly.