Chapter 2

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Drowning in the Crowd
Part 2: Jealousy


//tw: mentions and references of depression and suicide//


Monday, 6:44AM

Zander rubs his eyes as he checks his alarm clock.

I'm going to have to see Luke today...

He looks around at his tranquil and peaceful room.

Or.. I could just stay in my room all day and never come out.

The door suddenly opens with a teal-haired girl peeping behind it.

"Zander~ It's time for school~" She choruses. Zander groans.

Hailey skips over to his bed and sits at the end of it.
"Hey, don't worry. If you want, I can talk to Luke for you, you know."

Zander looks up at his sister.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to do that. You've been hanging out with Daisy and Jake a lot anyway, I see you've blossomed a good friendship with them."

"You could say that." Hailey shrugs her shoulders. But then, her face suddenly turns empathetic. "You know, you really don't have to go to school today."

"Thanks Hailey, but no thanks." Zander says calmly, standing up and picking out clothes. "I'm no coward, I can deal with going to school after no more than a breakup."

"Even when that breakup was with your best friend?"

Zander turns around to face his sister.

"I'm getting changed now, Hailey. You can leave."



Drew POV:

I'm at school now. It seems everyone knows about our breakup. People have been coming up to me, either giving me dirty looks or congratulating me for standing up for myself. They gave me dirty looks. Dirty looks they gave me. Gave you. They gave you dirty looks.

I usually like being the centre of attention, but the spotlight I was currently in suddenly makes me feel sick. I feel cornered. I can feel the stares closing in on me, and there's no way out. Everyone's watching it. The video. That kid recording just happened to be in our school, huh?

Bathrooms. The bathrooms are behind me. I push open the door and check if anyone's inside. No one. I close the door and slide down the wall until I'm sitting down. I don't want to go back out there. I might as well skip first period. And second. And third. And fourth. And fifth. And sixth. I might as well skip school. I might as well stay in the bathroom today. And tomorrow. I might as well do this everyday.

I pull my hood up and put my head in my arms, before someone suddenly rushes into the bathroom.



Zander has time before first period, and he decides to spend it in the music room thinking that the music club wouldn't be there in the mornings.

He plugs in his keyboard and starts to play Der Flohwalzer to himself when the door opens.

"Zander?" A gentle voice calls out, the boy in question looking up.


"Luke. What are you doing here?" He doesn't speak to him harshly, instead rather as if he was uncomfortable.

"I wanted to practise playing the drums before first period." Luke speaks, gesturing towards his drum kit. But Zander could well enough see through his lies at this point.

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