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Happy Valentine's Day!!!

( ♥ω♥)(♡ω♡ )

Regular Text: Korean

"Italics with quotes: English"

Hae Won was finally getting out of her Hell today. She had to stay there for a week to recover and live off of the rice and soup. It was good but repetitively eating it for three meals a day was too much. She didn't even eat three meals a day. She woke up too late to eat breakfast because it'd be near lunchtime. She couldn't even sneak out anymore. The nurse came into her room every hour to make sure she was still there. Hae Won suspected that Cha Young told her about her little journey. She didn't know why though. Yes, she was stabbed, tased, and beaten however she could deal with it.

She was happy that she was leaving. It'd been boring staying in the white room with nothing to do. She did go outside every day to get her daily vitamin d but it was still boring. The only time it wasn't tedious was when the tenants came to visit her.

The snack bar lady made her infamous tteokbokki for Hae Won. She was snacking on that for the rest of the day. Chef Toto also made her some food which she gave to the hospital staff. They'd like it more than her. Larry danced with her and the laundry man offered her clothing to be dry cleaned, free of charge. The pawnshop owners spoke with her. The husband promised her he'd find the people who did this and beat them all up. The wife would just tsked and shook her head. The monks blessed her with a fast recovery as did Seo Mi Ri.

Mr. Nam and Cha Young came by a few times too. They'd update her on the Babel case and she sadly missed the first trial. She says sadly because she heard of what they did to postpone it. From Cha Young fainting to bees stinging the judge's lips. Hae Won felt her amusement rise in her as she heard the story. She would've paid to see Han Seok's face during the whole thing. He'd be smirking but surprised at the same time. It was the best combination.

The person she was shocked by every day was Vincenzo. The first day she understood because he returned her phone and blood-stained purse. Well partially stained. She believed he tried to clean it off which she was thankful for. The bag cost too much money. Though for every other day she was surprised. Sometimes he'd come with Cha Young, sometimes by himself. She thought it was because he'd care but that idea quickly left her head. He would just ask questions about herself, personal ones.

Hae Won knew what he was doing. He was trying to catch her slip. He knew she had her basic story down and was trying to get some personal memories for specific questions. She saw through it though and easily answered them how Shin Mi Sun would answer. After ten minutes he'd leave and repeat the process the next day.

"Not anymore," she said as she put on the pants Cha Young gave her. "No more questions for me." She zipped up her pants and slipped on the blazer. She buttoned them up and went inside the bathroom. She brushed her long hair and put on some makeup to not look so sickly.

No good food and just being on meds for seven days wasn't good. Also, only get an hour of sun per day. Yeah, she didn't look her best. Hae Won quickly did a base and concealer to cover the blotches. She put lip tint on her lips to not look dead and did her eyebrows. It wasn't her best makeup look but it was decent. Decent was what she at least needed.

Hae Won fixed the borrowed suit and wiped off some lint balls. She looked in the mirror and raised an eyebrow. She looked like a lawyer. She looked like Cha Young. Hae Won pouted her lips. It was cute, it just didn't suit her.

Hae Won heard a knock and walked to the door. She opened it and saw Cha Young standing. They greeted each other and they left the room. Cha Young took Hae Won's stuff much to her dismay. She wasn't that hurt. She could still carry things. Hae Won went to get discharged and saw a familiar face. He was holding a bouquet of daisies in one hand and a book in another. His puppy grin grew on his face when they made eye contact.

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