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kusuo knew immortality wasn't as cracked up as it seems to be, but he didn't know it would be THIS depressing. he's watched his friends die, his friends' children die, random powers developing, so on so forth. when the powers started developing, it was around when Yumehara's kid was born. She was around her late twenties.

by that time he had already told everyone about his psychic powers, and the reaction wasn't so bad. yumehara's kid had developed a small power, well now quirk, where she could freeze small amounts of water. after everything else, kusuo decided that he'll just stay out of sight, not go to school anymore or anything.

well, that was a big backstory. kusuo was walking down the street with his favorite sweet for as long as he can remember, coffee jelly. he's finally ordinary, but it wasn't so great. then, someone passed by him, looking depressed as hell.

'that idiot! he can't be going around telling people to kill themselves.. what would he do if i actually jumped?'

jeez. that's low.. he looked familiar though. he could hear kaidou's voice in his head, "that person looks sad! they must have been a victim of the dark reunion... use your psychic powers to help them, please??"

that didn't matter anymore, kaidou's dead. so is his children. he grabbed the ring in his pocket, and slid it onto his finger. he walked around the city for a while, he had nowhere to go. his "quirk" wasn't registered, he had no passport, and the closest he had to his old home-town is now some random city named "musutafu."

he looked around for a bench to eat his coffee jelly, he couldn't find one but ended up settling near a store. he noticed a girl, who looked about the same age as the boy he saw earlier, frowning and looking at the prices of different items. why are there so many sad people here?

he sat up, and teleported some random money from a stranger's wallet nearby and helped her buy the things she wanted.

"thank you!" she smiled, and sat on a chair next to him "what's your name?"

god, he always has to attract people, doesn't he? he slid off his ring and put it into his pocket, 'kusuo saiki.'when he took it off, he noticed some kids off in the distance talking about how "you went too far, aren't you his childhood friend?" or whatever.

"nice! i'm ochako uraraka. a pleasure to meet you!"

'you too."

"are you planning to go to u.a.?" she asked

crap, what does he say? what's u.a. again? no thoughts around showed what ua was.


"i'm planning to go as well! what's your quirk?"

'telepathy.' he was already used to people calling powers "quirks," but it still felt weird.

"hm, well mine is that i can manipulate gravity, but i get nauseous if i use it too much..." she chuckled "well, i better get going back to my parents, they're probably worried. it was nice meeting you!"

'you too.' his parents. god, that was a sad time. he wondered if they were ghosts somewhere, he and toritsuka went looking for them after they died but they weren't found.

his thoughts were interrupted by explosions coming from somewhere, and he slowly walked to his left and found a slimy villain. suffocating an actual kid. what the hell? why aren't the heroes doing anything!? isn't that the eighth user of one for all right there? society's still selfish, can't even save anyone. cowards.

before he was going to walk through the crowd, someone interrupted him. the kid from earlier? he quickly grabbed him by his collar 'what are you doing?!'

he yelped and looked back. who was this guy? what was he supposed to say? "i'm just trying... to save my friend...?"

'your friend? you mean the same guy who told you to kill yourself?' he raised an eyebrow

"how do you know about that?!" was he stalking him? from where?! did he have an invisibility quirk? 

'he's thinking about it right now. look, you can't go in there without a plan or you're gonna get yourself killed. it needs to be you, though. i don't want the spotlight.'

that's weird.. maybe he's an underground hero? no, he looks young, like my age. "what plan are you thinking?" izuku asked

'go over there, and try to pull him out. i'll distract the villain, and i'll make sure he gets out.'

"what? but pulling won't do anything-"

'trust me. i know what to do.'


kusuo went invisible as izuku ran towards katsuki. kusuo reached his hand out while repeating random words in the villain's head, making katsuki free from the sludge. the pros quickly rushed forward as kusuo's invisibility wore off when the villain had contact with him. he went towards izuku and katsuki, who were currently arguing— well, not arguing because katsuki was the only one screaming and disagreeing.


'what a great way to greet someone..'


kusuo sighed and walked away after being chewed up by the pros, along with midoriya.


A/N: i know this sucks lmfao, this is like one of my first times writing. comments are appreciated!

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